Palm ABODE Liz

You have been the Hotboards.Com Counter visitor since 08/28/96

Welcome to our home on the web. We currently reside in Eustis, Florida, a small town located approximately thirty miles north of Orlando. We have been married for over eight years now. Our wedding took place on the beach at Breezes Resort in the Bahamas on June 25, 1996.

On March 3, 1999, we had our first baby. Ryan Michael was born at 5:28 P.M., weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long. Click here to visit his home page and see how he is growing!!

On August 14, 2002 our second baby, Hunter Nicholas, was born. He was born at 7:40 pm, weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces, and was 19 3/4 inches long. Here is a recent picture of Hunter with his proud big brother. :-)

We also have a house full of animals including three dogs, one cat, and hermit crabs.

Adam is now working for a local fire department as a fire inspector/investigator. Until an accident, he was also a part-time firefighter for Tavares Fire Rescue. He began firefighting as a volunteer in 1992, at Beckerle and Co. Hose Co. in Danbury, Connecticut. Be sure to check out his collection of fire related sites and poems.

Pam is a records clerk/staff assistant for the Eustis Police Department. She used to be a dispatcher/records clerk for the Tavares Police Department and Fire Department and had transferred to a different department so that she could spend more time with Ryan and Hunter. She missed the excitement of the police department, and was able to find a position at Eustis that gave her the best of both worlds. Her dad is a police officer for the Danbury Police Department in Danbury, Connecticut. Check out some of her favorite links on our Police Page.

Please enjoy your visit. Take a look at some of our favorite links and visit some of our friends and home pages of other people in the Emergency Service fields. If you are bored, why don't you check out our Page of Fun (you could waste a lot of time there!!). While you are here, please sign our guestbook and let us know what you think!!

News, Sports and Weather

Doppler Radar
Click on image for a closer look.

Visit Some of Our Links

Adam's Fire Pages (links, poems, etc.)
Pam's Police Page
Our Wedding Pictures
Weather Links
MIDI and .WAV Links
Where We Live
HTML Resources
Favorite Sites
Page of Fun
Awards and Memberships
Our Incredible Counting Page!!
Web Rings
Page of Links (TONS!!)
Goldwing and Motorcycle Links
Central Florida Scanner Links

Ryan's Wagon on the Web

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Be sure to click on "Update Cart" before checking out.

Visit Some of Our Friends

Jetman's Domain
DC-Edmonton WindsTech
Bruce and Jeanie
Ryan's Wagon on the Web

Sign Our Guestbook

View Our Guestbook

E-mail Us

Mail GIF

The Rail

Doctor HTML Ok!Checked by Doctor HTML!

Want to see the credits? Click here.
