Dedicated to All Tortie and Calico Cats

The Tortie Cat club was founded in the summer of 1996, by Megan, Patches, Sparkle, Gypsy Rose, and several of the other tortie and calico cats on rec.pets.cats. RPC is no longer a valid newsgroup, but if you are interested in cats, please check out the links to the new rec.pets.cats.* newsgroups at the bottom of the page.

Members include:

Abracadabra Amber Ashley Ann Ayla  Belle Billie Jo Bubba  Callie
Calpurrnia Camille Cheyanna Chloe GypsyRose Hobbes Ivy Jaeger
Kitty Shottland Lucy Megan Mell'n Mittens (1) Mittens (2) MomCat Myszka
Omega Patches Phoebe Puddi Cat Punkins Rocky Samantha Shamrock
Shellie Siobhan Sophie Sparkle Stevie Thistle Tia Maria Tinker Belle
Honorary Members include:
Jezebel Miranda-Banda
Rainbow Bridge Members include:
Callie Gypsy J.B.

Member Biographies

What are our members like?? Where do they live?? Who are their winkwink friends?? Here are the bios of the TORTIE members, and their pictures.

Patches: Patches is 3 1/2 yrs old. She lives in Fresno, Texas with her nephew Britches. Patches is very active, she loves to chase rabbits, mice. Her likes include sitting on the fence in the sun, rolling on the sand, watchiing mommie work in the yard (supervising). She dislikes the cat next door, wet food, and being held. Patches and her nephew Britches were nominated to be the heads of the Catmerica Poleec Department. She is also an RCN (Registered Cat Nurse) and is assisting Dr. Stinky in all his medical procedures. She owns Barbara and Craig Turner, and the young humans Elizabeth and Rebecca. Patches is the winkwink friend of Mittens.

Hobbes:  Hobbes was born in September 1987, which makes her a Sophisticated Older Cat. She lives in Waddington NY on the St. Lawrence river, with her brother Buster.  She is a muted tortie --  which means that she is mostly gray with tortie accents in peach. Hobbes has a special winkwink friend named Capt. Midnight.  He is a black and white tuxedo cat and furry handsome.  Their winkwink ceremony was on Halloween night of 1997.   Hobbes also owns Arlene Stillwell and John Tenbusch. She likes chin scritches, heat registers, sunbeams, warm & ample laps, Fancy Feast, Pounce, good nip, the National Geographic and A & E specials on cats, a good nubby sofa, the OUT (but only some parts of it), and watching spiders and bugs.   Some of her activities including doing culler commentary for the Soomo Resslin competition and serving as the SeCATary for International Relations for Catmerica.  She is a Tuff Gurl Kitty and has been on many adventures with them.  Finally, she earned her DFM (Doctor of Feline Medicine) from Cornell University's Companion Animal Hospital in 1997.  It was an intensive 3 week session that took place while she was being treated there for feline diabetes and related complications.  She is proud to announce that she is no longer diabetic and is taking new patients!


Shamrock and Thistle: Shamrock and her sister Thistle (the one to the left in the picture) are litter mates. They like to spend their time snoozing in sunbeams, smurgling with their mommie, waking her up at (in)appropriate times, and defending the home against invading crickets, spiders and moths. Thistle especially likes to spend time out on the balcony, chasing bugs out there, and helping mommie post MEOWCHAT by sitting on the laptop when she is typing. Shamrock's favorite place is on her bed and helping mommie cook by sampling the food, making sure it is good for cat consumption. Shamrock is the winkwink friend of the handsome Dr. Stinky and Thistle is the winkwink friend of the one and only Biker Coon. Shamrock and Thistle own Micki McIntyre. Shamrock and Thistle can be seen at

Sophie and Lucy: Sophie was born May 15, 1996 and Lucy was born September 19, 1987. Lucy lives with Sophie's grandparents, where she rules the house and the other three cats that live there. Sophie enjoys chewing on her stuffed hippo toy, stepping on Mom's keyboard, chasing her carpet mouse, playing fetch, and following Mom around the apartment. She is very mischievious and manages to get into alot of trouble. She is also an enthusiastic smurgler. Lucy likes to sleep alot, and play the hider in a game of Hide-N-Seek. Eating is high on her list of priorities.

Momcat: Momcat came to live with her human, Jan Junod, when she was a homeless young mothercat. She is about 6 yrs old, and lives in Seattle Washington with Animal, DOC, Pshaw, DOC, and Ripple, her son who was adopted with her. She is winkwinked to Timmy, of the House of Lyons. She likes 'nip very much and can find it where ever her mom hides it. She dislikes other cats getting too close to her Mom, esp when she is in her Mom's lap and they try to horn in on the action.

GypsyRose, Abracadabra, and Sparkle: GypsyRose, Abra, and Sparkle live with their humans Misha, her fiance Julian (who doesn't live there but visits alot), Daddy, and meenmom in California. GypsyRose and Abracadabra are the eldest of the three, at 8 years of age. Sparkle is the newest cat to join the house, and is 1 year old. Gypsy is winkwinked to Precious. She enjoys being an only cat (which she isn't), electric blankets, snuggling with Mom under the covers, and blue can Pounce. She dislikes dogs, the other cats, nasty food, sleeping in the garage, humans who do not follow the rules of catdom and share their food with her, harnesses and leashes, and not getting the snuggles and pets she deserves. Abracadabra (Boo for short) is a single kitty. she likes being left alone, sleeping in the garage, and sneaking into the house once in a while. She dislikes gardeners and their loud machines, strangers in the yard, dogs, people food, and Toss attacking her. Sparkle is also single. She likes playing with everything that moves, trying to eat everything else, hiding under the bed, drinking out of glasses, Misha, Julian, and Daddy. She dislikes sitting still unless she is sleeping or eating, and riding in the car. The girls have their own web page too:

Calpurrnia: Calpurrnia de Calico lives with her brother Coz-a-bee, her sister Pearl-Merangue,and her humans Lisa, Bill, Krista and Patrick Daly. Calli (as she is also know, along with Kittypurrz, and Callipurrz) lives in Magnolia, New Jersey, but she was born and raised in Pennsylvania. She used to belong to a breeder and has children who are show cats, but she is retired from that business and is now a happy pet. Calli is about 9 years old, and is a beautifil Calico Persian. She is winkwinked to Alexander Blitzen Cody, but hasn't heard from him for a long time. She is very sad about this and wishes he would write to tell her he is ok. She is her mommies shadow, following her everywhere. She like nip, playing table hockey with her mommie's empty Marlboro packs, playing with straws, and scaring her sister. She is also very inquisitive, and prides herself that she knows what is going on everywhere. She enjoys talking. She dislikes Coz-a-bee biting her on the neck, getting picked up, and going in the OUT.

Omega: Omega is a two year old from Columbus Ohio. She lives with her mommie Jennifer Gubernath. Omega has a brother (he's a chinchilla but he's ok) named Lealand. She like to play with shoes, plays fetch, playing with her mice, eating tuna, and loved her mommie. She dislikes her mommie's roommates, taking baths, and going to the TED.

Mittens (1): Mittens is an SOC (Sophisticated Older Cat) of 16 yrs. She lives with her human, Dave Arnett, and her winkwink Pouncer in North York, Ontario, Canada. She likes being petted (adored is more accurate) by humans she knows, being groomed by Pouncer, and eating tuna. She dislikes taking pills, rain, and unknown humans. Mittens and her winkwink Pouncer have their own web pages. You can learn more about her at

Callie: Callie is 3 1/2 yrs old. She lives in Muskogee, OK with her brother Maxwell., and their human Melanie Moore. Callie is a tabby tortie white alote of white on her. Her favorite activities are watching the birds from the windows, laying in or on any plastic sack or cardboard box, and sitting on the bathroom sink or the counter watching the water run into the drain. She also likes catnip, being left alone, and going into the OUT. She dislikes Maxwell trying to play with her, being picked up, and going to the TED. She is very talented at opening doors and cabinets. Callie briefly shared her home with J.B., another tabby/tortie and white kittie, who left for the Rainbow Bridge in December 1995 at about 12 years of age.

Samantha: Hello my name is samantha, but you can call me sammy. the pic here is of me, my brofer casey (who went to the rainbow bridge) and my tail. yes i said my tail. i recently had a tail-ectamy, that is i had my tail removed. the vets said it was broken and meowmie still doesn't know how i broke it, and i'm not telling. my two best friends are kirby and otie. theys are two new kitties that love to play play play. there are four other kitties in this house slyvester, garfield, gizmo (my real meowmie) and smokey. Then there's the nice girl who i own, she's really nice i love her furry furry much. well thats about it, fank mew.

Sam: Sam is a 5 yr old tortie who lives in Atlanta, GA with her mom Holly. Both Sam and Holly are single and happy about it. Sam has no brothers or sisters, she used to but no longer knows where they are. Holly is Sam's third mom. She likes naps, shewing on cardboard, nibbling on hoomins, toy rats, potato chips, and laying next to the heater. She dislikes diet catfood, living in the city, mean hoomins, having her tummy or paws touched, and being laughed at.

Mittens (2): Mittens lives in Illinois with her mom, Liz Shapiro, and her siblings Taffy and Tori. She is 2 years old, and single. She likes purring, kneading, and mewing, and dislikes d*gs, and mean people.

Zizi: Zizi lives with her mom, Kim Verrochi, and her brothers, CJ and Punkin. She is winkwinked to Charlie. She is very partial to tummy rubs and long naps in the sun. She loves Pounces (any flavor) and her favorite toy is a Mr. Sting that Charlie's mommie made for her. Her favorite sport is sneak-attacks on her brothers.

Jaeger: I was born in a storm-drain, and don't know what happened to my fur-mother. I adopted my meowmie at a bus stop. I was so small-small she was able to hide me behind her had to sneak me into a taxi home. Paw was taking a day's leave, so Meowmie left me with him for the day while she went on to work. She said "At least we can give her a decent meal. Think about it during the day, and we'll decide what to do when I get home" By the time she got home, I had him nicely settled down in an armchair and I was sleeping on his shoulder, so I thought I should keep them. Neither of them had been cat-slaves before, but I got them trained real fast.

Tia Maria, Billie Jo, and Ashley Ann: Tia was adopted from the Annapolis SPCA in November, 1990. She is now a healthy 16 pound black, orange, and cream tortie, with her colors delicate1y swirled all over her body. Her hobbies include: eating, seeping, and bossing her younger sisters. She loves sunny spots, TOONA, and tummy rubs. She dislikes chicken-flavored Pounce, getting wet, and being at the bottom of the cat pile.
Billie Jo was adopted from the Annapolis SPCA with her sister Ashley Ann in October, 1995. They were both 8 weeks old at the time. She is mostly black, with tortie patches. In her house, she is known as the Adventure kitty. Her hobbies include: playing, sleeping, whacking the new kitten Grey Ghost around, and giving her mommie heart attacks with her dare-she-devil stunts. She liks fur mice, high railings, and smurgling. She dislikes getting picked up when she doesn't want to be, and jumping into a bathtub full of water.
Ashley Ann is a torbie, with long fur and calico and tabby patches. Her hobbies are hissing at Grey Ghost, irritating Tia Maria, headbutting mommie, and hurking. She likes riding on shoulders, stealing BBQ ribs, and shoestrings. Her dislikes include running into walls, rolling off the bed, and the GrowlMonster. The girls have their own web page at



Belle:Belle used to be an OUT kittie until her mom and paw took her in last August. She doesn't remember, but thinks she may have been dumped at the side of the road by bad hoomins who didn't take good care of her, becasue she was thin and not fixed-what-wasn't-broke. Her mom and paw took her to TED, and he took care of the essential things. She is about 5 or 6 years old. She loves to follow people and talk to them, alot. She lives in Keno, Oregon with pippy, Sabrina, Bubba thuh d*g, Fanny thuh donkey, Dollar thuh goat, Bob thuh steer, and a bunch of chickens and ducks. She tries to stay away from pippy and Sabrina because they do not like her too much, but other than that she is happy. She like to sit on laps, and headbutting, and she dislikes wet food, going into the OUT, and visitors. Belle is single (for all you single guy kitties). She is also a member of the Misunderstood Kitties Club.

Punkins and Puddi Cat:


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last updated March 24, 1998