Franklin All-Terrain riders, Inc.

Franklin County, New York

2004 Meetings | 2005 Meetings | Maps | NewsLetters | Updates | Draft Policy

      Our Mission statement is really simple, We are here only to unite various groups and ATVers together to gain trails and upkeep of trails, To make Our recreation time safer and more enjoyable for everyone reguardless weather you are in it for recreation or not. Public safety and Lands is everyones concern.

To: Members of the ATV community

From: Richard Earle, FAR, Inc. Spokesperson

These ruminations are one man's view from up here at the top of the state. I sense in these dark days of winter a diminished interest in and commitment to the solidarity of the ATV community, perhaps even drifting away. It's certainly not just the season. For nearly 20 years we received not one dime for trail development from eight million dollars in registration fees. Insurance underwriters, eagerly accept our mandatory individual premiums while refusing even to give us a quote on club or federation insurance, without which we cannot hope to persuade private landowners to allow us the use of their land. Restrictive state vehicle and traffic laws make towns and counties increasingly reluctant to open their roads to us, fearing lawsuits, or cancellation of their liability coverage. Access to publicly owned land is virtually nonexistent, despite periodic promises. And now the governor has proposed raising registration fees by 450%, with just the possibility of a trail program.

There is no doubt that this lack of progress has discouraged all of us, including me. Even more obvious, paramount as these problems are, they cannot and will not be solved - or even addressed effectively - by individual clubs or county associations, much less individuals. Petitions and letter writing campaigns are ignored. Nor can local governments solve out problem by passing local laws or resolutions. Rather, the problems we face all lead directly to Albany - the Governor, the Legislator, the State Insurance Board, the Departments of Motor Vehicles, Transportation, and Environmental Conservation. And what do they respond to? Pressure from large numbers of residents demanding fair treatment. And how is that pressure best applied? By strong statewide organizations with the resources to hire lobbyists to argue their case in language understood by Albany.

Conclusion: Complaining from out here in the wilderness is useless. We must be successful in reforming our state organization, NYSORVA, as an active, well organized and well funded power, with directors selected from every county or region. Only then can the ATV community establish a permanent and effective presence right where the power lies - Albany. But a strong central office requires more than wishful thinking and volunteer help. It takes money. Paid office staff and lobbyists are absolutely essential. But a small amount from every member of the ATV community will do it. Therefore, every member of every club or county association in New York State must support NYSORVA with membership dues of at least $5.00. I see no other way. Otherwise, we are doomed forever to lonely and ineffective arguments against our "destroyer" and "outlaw" image.

So it's up to us, isn't it? Do we have the commitment? If not we should throw in the towel right now.