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This page will to contain a list of fishing vessels including a link for a pic and more information
To get the  information about each vessel, please click on the fishing no.
The vessels are listed with reference to the home port starting in south going north along the west coast
Vessels added since last updating: E 109, E 165 - more will come


HV 35

"Svend Åge"

Beamtrawler - schrimps

Pic from 1998


E 2
E 23
E 30
E 109
E 129
E 156
E 164
E 165
E 198
E 223
E 250
E 255
E 278
E 341
E 349
E 349
E 400
E 470
E 527
E 582
E 608
E 615
E 618
E 630
E 641
E 672
E 676
E 708
E 740

E 740
E 750


"Erikke Vad"

"Jørgen Gram"
"Pia Pedersen"


"Tove Schmidt"



"Lars Frank"

Trawler - wood

Trawler - steel

Trawler - steel
Danish seine netter
Trawler - steel

Trawler - steel

Danish seine netter

Danish seine netter

Trawler - wood

Pic from 1998
Pic from 1984
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1996
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic form 1998
Pic from 1986
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1984
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998

Hvide Sande:

RI 49
RI 66
RI 68
RI 74
RI 122
RI 135
RI 146
RI 152
RI 183
RI 236
RI 243
RI 263
RI 265
RI 266
RI 275
RI 324
RI 341
RI 354
RI 372
RI 374
RI 422
RI 450
RI 458
RI 466
RI 509

"Signe Iris"

"Majbritt Muff"

"Lisbeth Frich"

"Esther Enevoldsen"


"Inger Lene"
"Anni Nielsen"


Gill net - wood
Gill net  - wood

Trawler - wood

Gill net - steel

Trawler - wood

Trawler - wood

Gill net - wood
Trawler - steel
Gill net - wood

Gill net - wood  (today RI 230)

Pic from 1998
Pic from 1988-90
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic form 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1998
Pic from 1990
Pic from 1998

Other vessels ::

L 20 "Mercator"  (1986)
AS 236 "Lise Lone" (1997)
HG 70 "Mianda" (1982)
HG 222 "Klondyke" (1984)

Below you can click the figures to find other items !!!!

In case you have questions to the content, or you have some interesting maritme links or pics please mail me, or sign my guest book on the main page


Webmaster: Naval Architect Ole Christensen                Last updated 11.10.98