Patty * Cake

Hey Hey!
So it appears that I'm still alive... and for some reason I've decided to work on this page again. Not sure how long this will last, not sure whether the page has even gotten any hits, but I'm here, it's here, and apparently you're here too. So here goes...

Your options are as follows;

Mirth Adoptions Web page adoption dealie - pics I made that you "adopt" onto your page. Meh, every personal web site seems to go through the adoption phase, and this is my contribution to the insanity.
I need to go through these one day and clean out all the pics that are too repetitive. Some are cute though

For What it's Worth There are just some things that make life wonderful...

Pictures Ringo and my E.coli

Links Has my class schedule and links to my classes for this term. Also has the web comics I read religiously, and a flash game

Guest book Sign Please!!


Hey hey - here's my big news!!
I got a summer job at the University of Guelf as a research assistant. Mhmm... Impressed? Good. I'm excited.
And just so that it isn't forgotten, my boyfriend and I have been together for about 10 months now. If you hit on me... well... he's big and scary, and has oh-so-muscular arms. But hey, it's your life at risk.

I last updated this page April 21st, 2004
- added Ringo pic
- changed banter
email me