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This web page is here to help you learn about our friend the manatee. The manatee is sometimes referred to as the sea cow. This is because, like cows, they are vegetarians and only feed on plant life found in the ocean. They are harmless happy creatures swimming through the oceans and are mostly found in warm climates such as Florida and California.

Unfortunately they are becoming extinct due to man's lack of responsibility for these creatures and the waters they inhabit. Boat propellers injure many manatees. Manatees like to hang out by the surface of the water and sunbathe. Boaters that don't follow the no-wake precautions entering and leaving the bays where these manatees swim run the risk of cutting these poor defenseless animals up.

There are many other reasons for the shrinking of the manatee population. It is important for humans to understand their responsibility to the planet and how they effect the species that live in it. If you would like to find out more about these loveable animals and what you can do to help them, I suggest you check out the Save-The -Manatees Club web page at Through this web page you will be able to visit countless others of related pages on manatees. Also, through a small donation, you can adopt your very own manatee. Save-The- Manatees Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping the manatees survive.

This web page also contains a photo gallary of manatees for you to view and a page of links to other manatee pages and other endangered species. There is a guest book you can sign and view. Have fun and enjoy these great loveable mammals.

If you have any questions or comments you can email me at

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