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The New Adventures of Nero Wolfe
(US, radio program)
- There were several programs featuring Nero Wolfe. The New Adventures of Nero Wolfe starred Sidney Greenstreet as Wolfe, and a succession of actors as Archie - first Wally Maher, then Herb Ellis, Harry Bartell, with Larry Dobkin and one or two others on occasionally. The series ran from 10/20/50 with the opening show 'Stamped for Murder,' and ended on 4/27/51 with 'Room 304.' Citations:
None at this time

Night Beat
(US, radio program)

Radio is not dead (Episodes broadcast by When Radio Was
8/13/01: The Night Watchman, 5/15/50

Radio is not dead (Episodes broadcast by Radio Hall of Fame
8/26/01: Anton's Return, 7/13/51
None at this time

This page last updated on Aug 27, 2001.

If you wish to contribute or correct information, please email us at Dossier Contributors.

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