
Audio Shiurim

Daf-A-Week Iyun Shiurim - Periodical Shiurim given by various Rabbanim.

Daf HaShavuah - Chicago - Rabbi Zev Cohen's Shiurim following the Daf-A-Week - Chicago schedule.

Rabbi Grossman - Daf Yomi shiurim given by Rav Dovid Grossman of Los Angeles.

OU Radio - Daf Yomi shiurim given by Rabbi Elefant and Rabbi Yosef Grossman.

Rabbi Leff - Amud Yomi shiurim given by Rabbi Leff.

Rabbi Eli Mansour - The Shi'urim are orated and explained in Sephardic tradition.

Yeshiva University's Dafyomi learner's website - Rabbi Shalom Rosner's Daf Yomi Shiur

Blatt a Week Gemara Shabbos Chabura - Cong. Shomrei Emunah has a collection of audio files of a Blatt a Week Chabura that is learning gemara Shabbos. Hmmm Blatt a Week, that sounds like a good idea.

Kol Avrohom - HaRav Avrohom Karp zt"l's Daf Yomi Shiurim in yiddish.

MasterTorah's Amud Yomi Shiurim - Rabbi Meir Pogrow's Amud Yomi Shiur. Currently there are no shiurim on the gemaras Daf-A-Week is learning, but as both Daf-A-Week and MasterTorah work their ways through shas, these shiurim will be another excellent resource.

Kollel Dirshu - (Cleveland) Rav Yitzchok Margareten and Rav Moshe Berger. This site has shiurim on various gemaras. Shiurim are constantly being added.

CHABAD of North Beverly Hills - Rabbi Yosef Shusterman has shiurim on various mesechtas (including the beginning of mesechta Shabbos)along with a large collection of other shiurim.

HaDaf HaYomi - Video and audio Daf Yomi shiurim. Shiurim can listen to online, or downloaded or purchased at a fee.

iAwaken.org - Rabbi David Lapin's large selection of Shiurim including shiurim of sugias from Daf Yomi. You must register and purchase these shiurim (although free samples are available).

Torah Tape Library
1814 - 50th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11204
718 438-3904
It is worth checking out the iyun shuirim of Rabbi Kantor

Torah Communications Network
1618 43rd St.
Brooklyn, NY 11204

Kol Haloshon
718 906-6400
A free dial a shiur with a large selection of shiurim.
They have an iyun shiur which is currently at the beginning of gemara Shabbos. They also have archives of various Daf Yomi shiurim.
For more information about Kol Haloshon

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