The History and Background of Master Motobu { 1871-1944 }

Master Choki Motobu was born the third son to the Motobu family in Okinawa. The Motobu family was of Samurai class, which meant that the first son of the family was taught the family fighting methods. Choki Motobu, being frustrated by this, tried to sneak in and watch his older brother's training. Master Motobu soon found that this was too slow and frustrating for him, so he began to lift heavy rocks and punch the punching post or Makiwara. After a while, he became so strong that he earned the name "Monkey King" because of his tremendous leaping ability and general agility. In his youth, Master Motobu became known as a brawler and a trouble maker, so when he became the student of Master Itosu, this added to difficulties about being accepted as a student of one of the foremost Masters in Okinawa.

Master Motobu challenged many men in Japan. However, the defeat of a Russian boxer may have made him the most famous. In 1922, Master Motobu helped Master Funakoshi start the teaching of Karate to the Japanese. Filled with a new outlook on his life, Master Motobu returned to Okinawa in 1936 and began training with Master Kentsu Yabu. Master Yabu was only man to have ever defeated Master Motobu. Master Motobu instructed many noted Masters, among them are Shoshin Nagamine, Tatsuo Shimabuku, and Kosei Kuniba.
