Run, Racewalk, swim, cycle, hike, like the wind with Endurance!!!
{Hebrews 12:1-2 & 1 Timothy 4:8}

To converse/communicate with me regarding anything on this website, offer suggestions, or to discuss anything to do with life at all,
(a problem shared is often a problem halved, especially if we ask for God's help.) A joy shared is often a joy doubled....please sign my guestbook at the bottom of the page if you feel so inclined...thanks...
The Ultimate Answer! NOTE: This page has been cleaned up a bit lately to allow easier access and navigation...

Visit for a detailed forecast.

This labryinth** of a website is always under construction (ala margaret becker song simple house!)
last minor update October 2003 A.D.,
last major website restructure 3rd May 1997 A.D........Began site 27th September 1996.
Restructure well overdue! :-)

Jon's personal Priorities essay Goto Jonathon's Resume pages! ABOUT JON the sparringroo.(about me)
**Note that some parts of this website are in disrepair or are not often updated due to them not being a high priority for me to spend hours updating them, (and the sheer size of this website,) please email me re: any areas needing attention/updating...

Almost a SITEMAP;


Defunct webpages-->1.2 FOCUS..(focusmain.htm)Joondy, MtLawley, Churchlnds etc


2.2;Jon's training

Partially defunct webpages--> 2.3.1; Racewalking club of W.A.....(rwc.html)...

2.3.2 W.A. Racewalking honour pages... 2.4;Jon's P.B.'s.....2.5; Jon's run and SWIM pages......2.6; Jon's Triathlon page

3.1 MISCELLANOUS LINKS;(Lotsa html help links)... 3.2 Html help page.3.3 Christian friends who have taught me some useful html;Matthew...Janene..... .
4.1 SPORTS n News n Entertainment LINX XTRA; .......4.2 Jon's SQUASH links page

5.1MUSIK linx 5.2; Jon's tapes,C.D.'s
...5.3; Rageflower appreciation page

6.1Photo's6.2 Photos of Jonathon

7.1UNI links

...7.2; Education links 7.3 "Income" page 7.4 West Aust Info
8.1 Christians on the Net
9.1Jons CHAT ,games...links
10.1JON's Stories...Mission UA1,...10.2 Jon's colour's page
LOOK~>...2 WAYS TO LIVE!(Jon's version)
11.1... 11.2 Family websites;... Tim,...
....Seth and........Peter have ...declined the offer to have their websites clickable... ...

12.1 Jon's Travel pages......

I have been to a few different states in Australia to race at Nationals 1989-1999, these are webpages about some of those memories, and the various sights I saw in the cities, and on the way there....My first trip overseas was in Nov/Dec 2001 to the USA..._______________________

13.1 Jon's student housing page......

I lived at Student Housing ECU Mt Lawley in 1994/1995 and
at Student Village ECU Joondalup 1996,1997 and first semester 1998.
(includes photo's and a link to one of my old roommates page.).

This page has been processed through the God-given visual sensory system of a human ;

times since the 27th of September 1996 A.D. (predominately by JLP's psycho updating I'll bet)!

Before you go, if you haven't already; Please;

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!


If you have a website, which you would like to link to this page, please let me know.

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

Guestbook by Lpage

The Creator Triune rules and cares!
"for physical training is of some value but godliness has value for all things"--1 Timothy 4:8
Jon is on the net at
Jon's email

This is the bottom of the page, I'd rather be at the 'TOP!'