
half entangle in dreams of rebellion
a weary father suffers from thrombosis
a thought ruptures in his mind and he
arises from his prickly bed of sweaty straw
he wipes the sweat of Georgia heat from his brow
it falls on a dirt floor
sucked up quickly by the thirsty dead underground
whoever they may be

a mother
weakened by baby-weight
burnt bacon-black by a second master called Sun
lies along side her husband, leans to listen
then sluggishly awakens her babies
"But. . .the others. . ."
her plea goes unanswered

And so they run.

Into the night
they escape
night worms crawling close to the cool earth
still as sycamores

As the next morning comes
the mother trails her husband by many footsteps
yet something slows her progress
Freedom is within their reach
yet something eats at her mind

Sensing doubt
her husband motions for her to keep moving
but then she halts
and turns south
and then
she dissolves


She was never taught, that she ought, to treasure the purity of her body.
by words laced with promise
she lay naked, as feelings rushed through her that she never knew existed
as curiousity whispered.
by his lies of a tender love united, only now a throbbing pain subsided, this child
by a lovers luring face
by lusts enticing bait, discovered her childhood's end.