
Is Your Story What We're Looking For?

The Christian FanFiction Directory is committed to collecting and supplying the reader with quality Christian Fanfiction from a variety of domains. They can be based on any television show, movie, musical, book, comic book, game, music group, celebrity, etc. We will also be more than happy to accept original works based on the imagination of the writer.

There is only one major qualification for this directory. It must be a Christian story! It must deal with a Christian concept through the fanfiction medium. As a Chrisitan story, cursing, sex, and violence should be kept to a minimum and used only when necessary.

How Do I Submit to the Directory?

Easy, just fill out the form below and email it to the editors through the link provided. Your story will be reviewed, and you will be notified of its acceptance/rejection within a week.

Submission Form

Author's Name: (Your name or pseudonym.)
Domain of Story: (Is it based on a tv show, movie, book, etc? If not please indicate that it is original. Also, is it a response to a challenge? If so, which challenge?)
Title: (What's your story called?)
Parts: (How many chapters are there? First of ten, etc.)Rating: (G, PG, PG-13)
Warnings: (Does it contain any language, scenes, or violence which some might consider offensive?)
Christian Concept: (Salvation, Spiritual Warfare, God's Love, etc.)
Critiques: (Do you want any? Yes or no. If yes, you're email address will be included as a link with your story.)
Summary: (What's the story about?)