If the CFR controls the executive office and Congress, legislation opposed by a large majority of Americans can be forced upon them. CFR members in the House and Senate work together to fix Congressional votes to promote Council on Foreign Relations aims. Their main aim is to create tension and conflict. CFR members are stacking the deck in favor of pro-abortion legislation.

This was done in September of 1996 when the House and Senate voted on whether to override CFR member President Clinton's veto of a bill that would have banned a controversial procedure for late-term abortions.

The bill would have banned "partial-birth abortion," a procedure in which a woman's birth canal is widened and the fetus is removed feet first until only the head remains in the uterus. A doctor then collapses the fetus's skull so the head can be drawn through the birth canal. Polls show a large majority of Americans oppose late-term abortions. Senators talked of receiving thousands of petitions and postcards urging that Clinton's veto be overridden.

A two-thirds vote of both houses is required to enact a bill over a presidential veto.On 19 September the House voted to override the veto (285-137 -- four more votes than needed).

On 27 September the Senate failed to override CFR member Clinton's veto (57-41 -- nine votes fewer than needed). Seventeen Senators who voted were CFR members. Thirteen CFR senators voted to sustain the veto-- four CFR senators voted to overturn. The nine votes needed to overturn the veto were CFR member votes. Only six Republican Senators voted to sustain the veto. Five of the six were CFR members.

The thirteen CFR Senators who voted to sustain CFR member Clinton's veto were: Nancy L. Kassebaum (R-KS, Episcopalian), William Cohen (R-ME, UnitArian), John H. Chafee (R-RI, Episcopalian), Alan K. Simpson (R-WY, Episcopalian), Olympia Snowe (R-ME, Greek Orthodox), John Forbes Kerry (D-MA, Catholic), Christopher Dodd (D-CT, Catholic), Bob Graham (D-FL, United Church of Christ), , Claiborne Pell (D-RI, Episcopalian), Charles S. Robb (D-VA, Episcopalian), John (Jay) D. Rockefeller IV (D-WV, Presbyterian), William Bradley (D-NJ, Presbyterian), and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA, Jewish). The Four CFR Senators who voted to overturn were ( 3 Republicans 1 Democrat): William V. Roth Jr. (R-DE, Episcopalian), Larry Pressler (R-SD, Catholic), Richard G. Lugar (R-IN, Methodist), Daniel Moynihan (D-NY, Catholic).

On 13 February 1997, the House voted narrowly to approve CFR member Clinton's request to release $385 million in international family planning funds four months earlier than scheduled. As the bill stood the money could be used to promote abortion as a method of family planning.

The vote on (HJRes36) was 220-209 with 44 republicans joining 175 democrats in support.

Twelve of the House members were CFR members. Eleven Council members voted for the bill and 1 voted against the bill. The Council on Foreign Relations members were the 11 vote marginal difference causing the resolution to pass.

CFR members voting for the bill were: Lee H. Hamilton (D-IN, Methodist), Donald M. Payne (D-NJ, Baptist), Charles B. Rangle (D-NY, Catholic), Howard L. Berman (D-CA, Jewish), Robert T. Matsui (D-CA, United Methodist), Sam Gejedenson (D-CT, Jewish), Louis Stokes (D-OH, A. M. E. Zion), John M. Spratt Jr. (D-SC, Presbyterian), Richard Gephardt (D-MO, Baptist), Jim Leach (R-IA, Episcopalian), Amory Houghton Jr. (R-NY, Episcopalian). Newton Gingrich (R-GA, Baptist), was the only CFR member voting against the bill.

The RAND Corporation, a CFR Think Tank, is researching Population Control. Key members of Clinton's administration work for RAND. International Security Advisor Lynn Etheridge Davis (author of the initial draft of the Church Committee's report NSC Chapter) and Economic Advisor Laura D'Andrea Tyson are CFR members who work for RAND. RAND is conducting studies in applied demography (Population Control) as a way to improve financial, political, and legal analysis. Is legalized abortion part of a Council on Foreign Relations strategic psychological operation of applied demography?

Regardless of how you feel about the abortion issue, you should be concerned that one small group can fix votes in the United States Congress. If they can fix the abortion vote, they can fix any vote. That makes our Democracy a joke.

You can't be a silent and innocent spectator. If a small group is fixing congressional votes and working together to fix congressional investigations shouldn't you tell the people you represent about it? Shouldn't you do something about it?
