
The Mother Jones 400 is an interactive database of the top four hundred campaign contributors. Eighty Per Cent of the MoJo 400 Contributors (316 Contributors) gave to one or more Council on Foreign Relations members. Mother Jones, not only fails to make the connection, but misinforms the reader.

According to Mother Jones:

"For years Americans have wondered whether a secret elite really runs the country. The Illuminati? The Establishment? The Mob? The answer is less glamorous and more troubling. In the 1990s, influence is available to anyone who can spare, say, a hundred grand to underwrite a few political campaigns.

In the Mother Jones 400, we identify the nation's largest political contributors. You can check out this list of the fattest of the Fat Cats in its entirety. Or do some investigative work of your own and dig around using our interactive, searchable database of the top 400's itemized contributions..."

...Read about the Top Five donors and get a sense of what influence the bigwigs wield. You can view other members of the 400 that the MoJo crew investigated a little further in our Snapshots section.

The influence of the 400 is fundamentally at odds with the American ideal of popular government...Reform initiatives have had success at the state level, but the Congress has done next to nothing when it comes to campaign reform. We here at the MoJo Wire hope that this feature will fuel the fire of those who want their votes to count as much as that of a New York investment banker. Or a camera-shy Cleveland billionaire... "

Mother Jones is misinforming its readers. A secret elite does run the country that "secret elite" is called the Council on Foreign Relations. Conspicuously absent from the Mother Jones Top 400 is any mention of the Council. One of the MoJo top five is a Council on Foreign Relations member, a member of that "secret elite", a member of the establishment. At least 20 MoJo Top 400 contributors belong to the Council on Foreign Relations:

1. (MoJo 3) Dwayne Orville Andreas(CFR)

2. (MoJo 30) John C. Whitehead(CFR)

3. (MoJo 49) Edgar Bronfman Jr. (CFR)

4. (MoJo 56) Frederic V. Malek (CFR)

5. (MoJo 77) Steven Lawrence Rattner (CFR)

6. (MoJo 105) Trammell S. Crow(CFR)

7. (MoJo 139) Douglas Dillon(CFR)

8. (MoJo 185) Amory Houghton Jr)(CFR)

9. (MoJo 202) Thomas L. Rhodes (CFR)

10. (MoJo 215) Philip Merrill (CFR)

11. (MoJo 234) Frederick B. Whittemore(CFR)

12. (MoJo 237) M. Bernard Aidinoff(CFR)

13. (MoJo 247) Robert D. Joffe(CFR)

14. (MoJo 249) Maurice Raymond (Hank) Greenberg(CFR)

15. (MoJo 303) Robert H. Asher(CFR)

16. (MoJo 328) Parker G. Montgomery(CFR)

17. (MoJo 340) Roy Michael Huffington(CFR)

18. (MoJo 344) Irving B. Harris(CFR)

19. (MoJo 344) Charles M. Pigott(CFR)

20. (MoJo 351) Stephen C. Swid(CFR)

William W. Harris MoJo (365) is the son of Council on Foreign Relations member Irving B. Harris (MoJo 344)).

"Tactics of Deception" are formalized psychological warfare techniques. "Tactics of Deception" build a psychological environment that differs from the material environment. "Tactics of deception" are used to create false reality worlds. In terms of perceptual psychology, "Tactics of Deception" provoke illusory percepts. To influence behavior the deception must follow three basic rules. First, the deception must be "reasonable"; second there must be no simple way of checking the facts in the case; and third the use of deception should not discredit a source which may have valuable future potential.

The media uses a tactic of deception called a "Limited Hangout." "Limited Hangouts" are used to shape public opinion to support the aims of well planned psychological operations. Stories are carefully crafted to contain some of the truth while withholding key information. "Tactics of Deception" are nothing more than a sophisticated form of lying.

The Council on Foreign Relations is a branch of the Round Table Group. The Round Table group has been controlling public opinion throughout the world for over 100 years. Other branches include; Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, the Australian Institute of International Affairs, the South African Institute of International Affairs, the Indian Institute of International Affairs, the Netherlands Institute of International Affairs, the Japanese Institute of Pacific Relations, the Chinese Institute of Pacific Relations, and the Russian Institute of Pacific Relations.

"Tactics of Deception" are practiced by left wing, right wing, and conservative media sources. "Tactics of Deception" are planned and coordinated by Council on Foreign Relations members. Not many people have heard of the Council on Foreign Relations or know how they operate. This is no accident, the group purposely maintains a low profile. One "Tactic of Deception" used by the press is reference to a vague ambiguous group called "The Establishment" rather than to the Council on Foreign Relations. A second "Tactic of Deception" is to shift the focus to another group. It is the influence of the Council on Foreign Relations that is at odds with the American ideal of popular government. Mother Jones shifts the focus of influence from the Council on Foreign Relations (aka the Establishment) to the MoJo 400.

This tactic was adopted by mis-application of a Freemason strategy. The Freemasons were an international secret society whose principals were brotherliness, charity, and mutual aid. The Freemasons formed groups of circles within circles. The circles consisted of people with like experiences. The Freemasons believed such people shared a natural sympathy and understanding towards one another. Since the Freemasons belonged to different circles, a synergy would be produced that would benefit the entire Freemason group.

The Round Table adopted the Freemason structure of circles within circles. The Round Table misused the concept to divide and conquer rather than to unite and benefit. Round Table members joined different "circles." The MoJo 400 data base is another "circle" that Round Table Group (aka Council on Foreign Relations) members have joined.

Round table members in one "circle" use their influence to create tension between their "circle" and other "circles." Round Table Members in all "circles" try and sway the members in their "circle" to advance the aims of the Round Table Group even if the aims are at odds with the best interest of the members of the "circle." The strategy is a type of covert operation.

The method was formalized into one of the most effective types of propaganda delivery techniques ever devised. According to John Lanigan (Associate Director in Policy Analysis Department, Psychological Operations Staff Officer, Major USMC Ret.):

"Almost all studies on the subject of advertising or psychological operations are in agreement that face-to-face discourse is the most effective individual instrument of persuasion. The following psychological advantages are ... the primary reasons of its success: 1. It is more casually engaged in and will often attract an audience that would not trouble itself to receive the same information by other forms of mass communication. 2. the perpetrator of face-to-face discourse can mold his manner of presentation to suit a particular target audience. In this way, he can largely reduce resistance to his message. 3. By expressions of pleasure or displeasure, the target audience can be rewarded or punished for their reaction. 4. The source of face-to-face discourse may be a trusted or intimate friend of the target audience from whom information is believable; e.g., a clergyman. 5. It is sometimes possible to accomplish objectives without first instilling conviction. For instance, if the leader of a local young men's organization tells its members to sign up for service in the militia, some may join just to keep from discrediting themselves in the eyes of their leader."

Hadley Cantril and Lloyd Free were Princeton University Social Psychologists; researchers; and members of the intelligence community. Council on Foreign Relations Member Nelson Rockefeller funded them to develop psycho-political policy strategies and techniques. CFR member Edward R. Murrow, would, with Rockefeller Foundation Funding conduct a research project to perform a systematic analysis of Nazi radio propaganda techniques and the political use of radio. A world wide monitoring and broadcasting Government agency called the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service (FBIS) was the result of the study. A FBIS monitoring station was set up in London in liaison with the British Broadcasting Corporation.

The FBIS became the United States Information Agency (USIA). The USIA was established to achieve US foreign policy by influencing public attitude at home and abroad using "Tactics of Deception". The USIA Office of Research and reference service prepares data on psychological factors and propaganda problems considered by the Policy Planning Board in formulating psycho-political information policies for the National Security Council. The USIA would be responsible for foreign policy propaganda for the National Security Council. The USIA and National Security Council are controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations.

U.S.IA Report, R-76-62 (1962) is used as a PSYOP-related intelligence sourcebook for field personnel. It provides a list of categories of target groups. There are four broad categories 1. general populace, 2. middle level groups, 3. elite- groups, and 4. voluntary associations and interest groups.

General populace target groups include:

1. peasants, 2. labor, 3. urban proletariat (unskilled labor), 4. army enlisted men, 5. ethnic minorities, 6. women.

Middle level target groups include:

1. mass communicators, 2. religious leaders, 3. labor leaders, 4. junior army officers, 5. small business men, 6. university students, 7. teachers and University professors.

Elite-level groups include:

1. intellectuals and administrators (management in industry and government), 2. intellectuals and specialist (chemists, engineers, accountants, statisticians, doctors, and lawyers), and 3. upper-rank military officers.1

Round Table Group members in different nations control both Government agency, and "private- industry" news sources in their countries. The Council on Foreign Relations propaganda machine manipulates American Citizens to accept the particular climate of opinion the Round Table Groups are seeking to achieve in the world.

Council on Foreign Relations members working in an ad hoc committee called the ""Special Group"" and through a vast intragovernmental undercover infrastructure called the "Secret Team" formulate this opinion in the United States. The United States branch, the Council on Foreign Relations, has methodically taken over the Department of State, The Federal Reserve, and the Central Intelligence Agency.

Harry S. Truman signed a directive establishing the Psychological Strategy Board. on 20 June 1951. Eisenhower's Presidential Executive Order 10483 replaced the Psychological Strategy board with the Operations Coordinating Board. OCB Members included: (1) The Under Secretary of State (2) The Deputy Secretary of Defense (3) the Director of the Foreign Operations Administration (4) the Director of Central Intelligence, and (5) a representative of the President to be designated by the President. (6) the Undersecretary or corresponding official of any Presidential agency that has been assigned responsibilities for implementation of national security policy. (7) The Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (8) The Director of the United States Information Agency.

The National Security Council recommended national security policy. The President had the policy approved. The Operations Coordinating Board coordinated interdepartmental aspects of detailed operational plans to insure timely execution of the policy plans. The National Security Council's policy recommendations are America's de facto foreign policy. Men who worked in the Department of State for the Policy Planning Board scripted National Security Council policy. The USIA Office of Research and Reference service prepared data on psychological factors and propaganda problems which would be considered by the Policy Planning Board in formulating psycho-political information policies for the National Security Council. In 1955 the Director of the USIA became a voting member of the Operations Coordinating board; USIA representatives were invited to attend meetings of the National Security Council Planning Board; and the USIA Director was invited to Cabinet meetings.

Gordon Gray designed and directed the Psychological Strategy Board and Operations Coordination Board. Gray's consultant was Henry Kissinger. Kissinger was also the paid political consultant to Rockefeller family. Gray was heir to the R. J. Reynolds tobacco fortune. Gray and Kissinger were Council on Foreign Relations members. Gray served in the administrations of Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford. Gray was a broadcast and publication media specialist. Gray kept the uniformed electorate uninformed by design.

MoJo Contributor 146 is Gordon Gray's son, C. Boyden Gray. MoJo Contributor 174 is Laurence S. Rockefeller. John D. Rockefeller IV (Jay) (D-WV) is a MoJo Recipient. Both C. Boyden Gray and Laurence S. Rockefeller contributed to four CFR members:

Gray contributed to Council members:

William E. Brock III

William S. Cohen (R-ME)

John Chafee (R-RI), and

Olympia J. Snowe.

Laurence Rockefeller contributed to Council members:

William E. Brock III

Amory Houghton Jr. (R-NY) ( MoJo185 Contributor as well as Recipient) Daniel Moynihan (D-NY), and John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV (D-WV)

On 19 February 1961, President Kennedy issued a Statement abolishing the Operations Coordinating Board. The "Special Group" replaced the Operations Coordination Board. No President ever wrote or signed an Executive order establishing the "Special Group". No President can abolish the "Special Group". The "Special Group" established itself. This was no accident. This was illegal. When Kennedy killed the Operations Coordinating Board, the "Special Group" operated as normal without the designated Presidential representative.

The "Special Group" is alive and well today. Members include the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the Director of The CIA, none of which are elected officials, all of which are members of the Council on Foreign Relations. The only way to abolish this ad hoc committee is to abolish the Department of Defense, The Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of State.

President Clinton, Secretary of State Warren Christopher, and Director of the CIA John Deutch and his predecessor James Woolsey belong to the Council on Foreign Relations. Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense These Council on Foreign Relations members are members of the "Special Group".

Two new "Special Group" members were just confirmed by Congress. On Wednesday (01/22/97) Congress voted 99-0 to confirm Clinton administration Cabinet nominees Madeleine K. Albright and William Sebastian Cohen former Republican Senator from Maine. The press is announcing that this is a good start towards a new era of bipartisan cooperation. This announcement is a "Tactic of Deception." Both nominee Albright, and Cohen are Council on Foreign Relations members. There nomination is meant to provide a perception of bipartisanship while the Council on Foreign Relations maintains control of the Government.

William S. Cohen is in the MoJo Database. At least 3 MoJo 400 CFR members contributed to Cohen: (MoJo 30) John C. Whitehead(CFR); (MoJo 139) DouglasDillon(CFR); and (MoJo 215) Philip Merrill (CFR). MoJo Contributor 146 Gordon Gray's son, C. Boyden Gray, also contributed to William S. Cohen. Another CFR recipient in the MoJo 400 is George John Mitchell. Mitchell is a Democrat and Cohen's close friend. Cohen and Mitchell are both lawyers.

In 1986 two secret U.S. Government operations were publicly exposed implicating Reagan Administration officials in illegal activities. These operations became known as the Iran-Contra Affair. A seven year investigation costing millions of dollars ensued. Only one person would spend any time in prison - he was found guilty of not paying his income taxes. The Office of Independent Counsel's report states "it is important to emphasize that both the Iran and contra operations, separately, violated the United States policy and law."

Lawrence E. Walsh was Independent Counsel. In 1969 Walsh worked with CFR member Kissinger at the meetings on Vietnam in Paris. In 1981 Walsh worked for Crowe and Dunlevy a law firm representing Oil Companies, Air Lines, and Insurance Companies run by CFR members. Was the investigation designed to give the appearance that justice was served while in effect being a clever way of obstructing justice? Did CFR media members, lawyers, and judges, all profit monetarily from the publicity generated under the pretense of doing something important, while justice went unserved and the guilty went free?

CFR members George Bush, Elliot Abrams, Casper Weinberger, Robert M. Gates, William J. Casey, and Robert C. McFarlane advised Regan to go ahead with Iran-Contra. On December 24, 1992, Bush pardoned fellow CFR members Weinberger, McFarlane, Abrams, and three CIA chiefs named Fiers, George, and Clarridge. Isn't there a conflict of interest apparent in this pardon? Isn't advising the President to break the law Treason? Why weren't the people involved charged with Treason? Have members of the intelligence community that belong to the CFR gained control of the government of the United States of America?

A non-partisan joint House and Senate Select Committee investigated Iran-Contra. CFR members William S. Cohen (R-ME) and George J. Mitchell (D-ME), served on the Committee. In 1988 they co-authored a book about Iran-Contra. Book reviewer Robert F. Drinan ( America Mr 4 '89) writes, "The overall impact of this book is blunted somewhat by Cohen and Mitchell's extensive efforts to avoid making tough judgements of witnesses who were obviously lying or evading committee member's questions..." Stephen Engelberg NY Times Book Rev (pg 36 S 25 '88) writes, "This book includes some well-etched portraits of the players in the Iran-contra affair." Conspicuously missing from these well-etched portraits is how the players, including the committee members Cohen and Mitchell, are connected through the Council on Foreign Relations. Cohen and Mitchell titled their book Men of Zeal. A more accurate title would be Heels Who Steal.

In the early to mid-80's Iran-Contra affair money helped the CIA produce a small handbook called Psychological Operation's In Guerrilla Warfare. The manual was for the Nicaraguan Democratic Forces, a group of Nicaraguan rebels. In the United States this group was better known as the "contras" or anti-Sandinista rebels. The manual was based on Psychological Operation material developed at the Army Special Warfare School at Fort Bragg in April of 1968. When first revealed the manual caused a storm of controversy. President Reagan promised a detailed inquiry. However, only a few low-level CIA employees were reprimanded. The matter was then officially closed.

The introduction offers insight into the twisted thinking of our so-called intelligence organizations,"This conception of guerrilla warfare as political war turns Psychological Operations into the decisive factor of the results. The target, then, is the minds of the population, all the population: our troops, the enemy troops and the civilian population. This manual is a manual for the training of guerrillas in psychological operations, and its application to the concrete case of the Christian and democratic crusade being waged in Nicaragua by the Freedom Commandos. Welcome!"

The original manual suggested hiring professional criminals to stir up trouble at demonstrations so people would be killed and martyrs created from among the contra ranks. Edgar Chammoro, the Nicaraguan Democratic Forces director of propaganda objected to this material. The pages containing it were ripped from the first printing of the manuals.

The manual provides the following advice for controlling meetings and mass assemblies, "The control of mass meetings in support of guerrilla warfare is carried out internally through a covert commando element...The psychological apparatus of our movement through inside cadres prepares a mental attitude which at the crucial moment can be turned into a fury of justified violence. Through a small group of guerrillas infiltrated within the masses this can be carried out: they will have the mission of agitating by giving the impression that there are many of them and that they have a large popular backing. Using the tactics of a force of 200-300 agitators, a demonstration can be created in which 10,000-20,000 persons take part. "

Did CIA agents infiltrate student groups in the 60's and create incidents to divide and conquer a well educated generation of young people? Has the CIA, FBI and other intelligence agencies used these tactics to infiltrate professional associations such as the AMA, AAAS, IEEE, the ABA, and the ACLU? Have intelligence agencies manipulated the objectives of professional associations such as these? Was this done so the Council on Foreign Relations could maintain control of the United States of America and advance its plan of one world order? Are Round Table members in Intelligence Agencies ( i.e., the CIA, Army Intelligence, Navy Intelligence, Air Force Intelligence, the British Secret Service, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, etc.) infiltrating terrorist groups and purposely creating anti-American feelings and incidents to justify increased spending on intelligence operations at home and abroad?

The Joint Chiefs of Staff have defined psychological operations (PSYOPS) as those that: "include psychological warfare and, in addition, encompass those political, military, economic and ideological actions planned and conducted to create in neutral or friendly foreign groups the emotions, attitudes, or behavior to support achievement of national objectives." Another proposal "develops the concept of 'strategic psychological operations' as aimed at influencing and shaping decision-makers' power to govern or control their followers."

We the American people, are among the groups being targeted and controlled. Council on Foreign Relations members in the State Department, The National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, and in the Department of Defense control the lives of the American people through well planed psycho-political operations. These psychological operations rob Americans of the present, by creating false reality worlds. The American public is being tricked into acting not in their own best interest but in the best interest of a group of subtle fascists intent on creating one world order under their control.

A little investigative work on the MoJo 400 uncovers the circle of Council on Foreign Relation members within the MoJo 400 Database:

The database consists of:

1. Names of Contributors (400)

2. Names of Recipients (1120)

3. Brief Bios of all the Contributors

4. Contribution Amounts

5. Contribution Dates

6. Contributor States and Zip Codes

There are:

21 Council on Foreign Relations Members are on the Contributors List 44 Council on Foreign Relations Members are on the Recipients List.

Eighty Per Cent of the MoJo 400 Contributors (316 Contributors) gave to one or more of the 44 Council on Foreign Relations members on the 1120 member Recipient list. The breakdown is:

90 of the MoJo 400 contributed to 0 CFR members 94 of the MoJo 400 contributed to 1 CFR member 54 of the MoJo 400 contributed to 2 CFR members 47 of the MoJo 400 contributed to 3 CFR members 38 of the MoJo 400 contributed to 4 CFR members 23 of the MoJo 400 contributed to 5 CFR members 19 of the MoJo 400 contributed to 6 CFR members 18 of the MoJo 400 contributed to 7 CFR members 5 of the MoJo 400 contributed to 8 CFR members 4 of the MoJo 400 contributed to 9 CFR members 4 of the MoJo 400 contributed to 10 CFR members 2 of the MoJo 400 contributed to 11 CFR members 1 of the MoJo 400 contributed to 12 CFR members 1 of the MoJo 400 contributed to 14 CFR members

The Council on Foreign Relations has a membership list and an address. The Council on Foreign Relations controls the Print and Broadcast media in the United States and abroad. The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of an international group of co-conspirators called the Round Table Group.

The press has been suppressing information about the Round Table Groups ever since their formal establishment, at the Majestic Hotel in Paris, 19 March 1919. Woodrow Wilson's political advisor, Edward Mandell House, hosted the meeting. House was the Director of the Inquiry, the first formally sanctioned Central Intelligence Agency. In attendance were British and American diplomats and intelligence agents who were at the Paris Peace Conference. A major Round Table aim in their plan for one world order had been achieved; the establishment of the League of Nations.

The Round Table Groups were formally established as the Institute of International Affairs . In 1920 the American Group broke off from the other six groups. The American Institute took the cryptic name the Council on Foreign Relations. One reason the name was chosen is that the word "Foreign" breaks the "i before e" spelling rule. Round Table group members consistently break established rules and guidelines -- including those found in the Bible.

Attacking your targets faith is an effective psychological warfare technique used to demoralize an enemy. The Council on Foreign Relations attacks a target groups faith by legalizing and encouraging immoral actions. The Council on Foreign Relations controls the Justice and Legislative systems. Encouraging witnesses to lie under oath encourages people to take the Lords name in vain; condones bearing false witness against ones neighbors; and allows the guilty to go free while encouraging people to steal and murder. Legalizing divorce legalizes and encourages adultery and promiscuity. Legalizing abortion legalizes and encourages murder. What better way to attack a people's faith then to confuse them about the ethics and morals that guide that faith.

The Council on Foreign Relations has about 3000 members. A partial listing of Council members (121) in the media follows. MoJo 77 Steven Lawrence Rattner is on the list. There are less then 10 women on the list. This is no accident. Council on Foreign Relations members are sexist and racist. You probably recognize some of the names. You probably didn't know they belonged to the Council on Foreign Relations.

Why haven't any Pulitzer prize winning investigative reporters noticed a pattern? How many Pulitzer prize winning investigative reporters are Council on Foreign Relations members? If a group is out to destroy a countries family structure, faith, and nation shouldn't that countries reporters be warning the public?

Once upon a time in Germany a group called the Nazi's rounded up citizens and murdered them. Other German citizens were so frightened by the Nazi's they pretended not to see what was happening to their neighbors. Is the American press so frightened by the Council on Foreign Relations that American journalists and photo-journalists have become a group of "Not-Sees."? Or, are American journalists and photo-journalists "Not-Sees" because they can make more money being dishonest then they can from being honest? Is the hostility between the Politicians and the Press real or simply a perceived reality created through the use of "Tactics of Deception"? Are the Press and Politicians working together to trick and deceive the American Public? Investigative reporters don't deserve Pulitzer's they deserve PeeeeeeUuuuuuu-litzers -- they stink.


1. William Paley

2. William Burden

3. Roswell Gilpatric

4. Henry Schact

5. Manetta Tree Collingwood

6. Lawrence LeSuer

7. Dan Rather

8. Harry Reasoner

9. Richard Hottelet

10. Frank Stanton

11. Bill Moyers


12. Jane Pfeiffer

13. Lester Crystal

14. W. Sonnenfeldt Bradshaw

15. John Petty

16. David Brinkley

17. John Chancellor

18. Marvin Kalb

19. Irvine Levine

20. Peterson John Sawhill


21. Ray Adam

22. Frank Cary Macioce

23. Ted Koppel

24. John Scali

25. Barbara Walters


26, Daniel Schorr


27. Hartford Gunn

28. Robert McNeil

29. Jim Lehrer

30. Charlayne Hunter-Gault

31. Hodding Carter III


32. Keith Fuller

33. Stanley Swinton

34. Louis Boccardi

35. Harold Anderson


36. Michael Posner


37. David Rogers


38. Tom Johnson

39. Joseph Kraft


40. Richard W. Murphy

41. Charles A. Kupchan

42. . Michael Clough

43. Zygmunt Nagorski

44. Nancy Bodurtha

45. Richard T. Childress

46. Carl W. Ford Jr..

47. Nomsa Daniels

48. Alton Frye

49. Gregory F. Treverton


50. Jessica Mathew

51. Michael Mandelbaum

52. Richard N. Haass

53. Richard W. Murphy

54. John L. Hirsch

55. Alexander J. Motyl

56. Nicholas X. Rizopoulos.

57. Alan D. Romberg.

58. Gidion Gottlieb

59. Charles A. Kupchan


60. Henry Trewhitt


61. James Hoge


62. John Cowles Jr.


63. William P. Hobby


64. Richard Gelb

65. James Reston

66. William Scranton Rosenthal

67. Seymour Topping

68. James Greenfield

69. Max Frankel

70. Jack Rosenthal

71. Harding Bancroft

72. Amory Bradford

73. Orvil Dryfoos

74. David Halberstram

75. Walter Lippmann

76. Markel. Matthews

77. John Oakes

78. Harrison Salisbury

79. Hays Sulzberger

80. Ochs Sulzberger

81. Sulzberger Smith

82. Steven Rattner

83. Richard Burt


86. Ralph Davidson

85. Donald M. Wilson

86. Louis Banks

87. Henry Grunwald

88. Alexander Herard

89. Sol Lionwitz

90. Rawleigh Warner Jr.

91. Thomas Watson Jr.


92. Katherine Graham

93. Philip Graham

94. Arjay Miller TC

95. deB. Katzenbach

96. Frederick Beebe

97. Robert Christopher

98. De Borchgrave

99. Osborne Elliot

100. Phillipo Geyelin

101. Kermit Lausner

102. Murry Marder

103. Eugene Meyer

104. Malcolm Muir

105. Maynard Parker

106. George Will

107. Robert Kaiser

108. Meg Greenfield

109. Walter Pincus

110. Murray Gart

111. Peter Osnos

112. Don Oberdorfer

DOW JONES & CO. (Wall Street Journal)

113. William Agee

114. Paul Austin

115. TC Charles Meyer

116. Robert Potter

117. Richard Wood

118. Robert Bartley

119. Karen House


120. Wm. F. Buckley Jr.

121. Richard Brookhiser.
