You Are Not Alone

This page would not be possible without the help of many people, you know who you are. I am in debted to you for your love, friendship, and support.

S.A.S.S. Duke University
Survivors Page
Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome....
What You Can Do
Protect Yourself
Myths vs Facts
Defenses against rape This page applies to United States.
Survivor Information Page This page applies to the United States.
Americam Medical Association Stratigies and treatment of Sexual Assualt
When Angels Close Thier Eyes By Ethan Shore
Campus Security Act
Important Information To Help You Develop An Action Plan. You can find phone numbers and information on what you'll need to pack in your safety bag
RESOURCES Wife Assault Papers, Articles, Pamphlets and Books
Please keep checking back I am building a new site with information for women. There will be links and infomation on self defence, action plans, kids, places to go for help and what to do when the police won't help and the system fails you.