It happened again another school has been shot up in San Diego. When is this insanity going to end? Most of the students that do these shootings are quiet and withdrawn. I have a feeling that they are crying out for attention, and what is the media giving them everytime they shoot up their school? The media gives them a ton of national news coverage. They become a sort of national celebrity, albeit for an infamous reason. If the media would only make a brief mention of it and move on to other things then I think that there would be a lot fewer of these shootings. Instead, the media dwells on the story for half or more of their broadcast as they have to tell you every sob story that comes out of the school. I have a feel that this most recent one was a copy cat of the one that happened just a week or two ago. They saw all the attention and wanted to get a piece of the action.

I really wish that the news media would strive only to inform not attempt to make us feel sorry for the victims. That is not their job. The purpose of the news is to tell us what is new. They could cover a lot more information if they would not turn their broadcast into a soap opera. I am sick of hearing all of these sob stories. They don't soften my heart. They just make me more calloused toward the media. The purpose of the media today however has become a public pursasion tool used by liberals to further their agenda. Now, of course, we will be bombarded by another wave of guns are killing our children campaigns. Let's face guns are not killing our children. Parents, or rather the lack thereof are killing our children.

Children today often don't have parents because mom is more interested in her own career than in her own flesh and blood. Parents pass their parenting skills onto their children. This is done automatically. Parents didn't sit their kids down and say this is how you raise a child they showed them by example. Unfortunately, young parents today didn't have any parents around to teach them how to be parents so the art of parenting is quickly becoming lost. This is sure sign of the loss of civilization. It will only be a few generations now before this once great society will fall apart and we will be forced back into another dark age. It truly is sad isn't it.

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