I saw the news last night that some young lady sued the University of Georgia because she was not admitted because she was a female. That's not the full story though, the university uses an equation to determine who receives admittance and who does not. This equation gives higher scores to males because there are fewer of them at the school so they lowered the standard. If she would have been male then she would have passed and would have been admitted. I would just like to say, "How does it feel to be screwed by Affirmative Action?" I know that this was not officially affimative action, but this is what it does. It takes perfectly qualified individuals and looks over them so that people who are "minorities" are given a better chance.

For a while now if you are a non-handicapped, straight, Caucasian male then you are severly overlooked because of mandates from the government and an effort to try not look racist or sexist. This effort has actually made them racist/sexist because now they are forced to look at race and gender before hiring somebody.

If there is one thing this shows it is that women don't need special treatment. They are in fact doing better than men, and now the men are the ones that need the help. This entire notion of weighing one's acceptance on race or gender is wrong however. Admittance to a university should be based solely on academic performance. There should be no questions about race or gender on the application forms as race and gender have no bearing on how a student will perform. Down with the racist affirmative action.

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