Tonight is the last night of that survivalist show on CBS. I admit that I found myself watching because let's face it, network television really stinks during the summer. I have to ask, "Is this real?" These people did eat rats and grubs, but was their behavior genuine and honest. I saw a photo of the people ariving on the island and they were greeted by a barage of cameras and even a boom microphone. If I saw that I know that I would change my behavior. On Politically Incorrect I saw one of the cast off survivors as well as one of the kids that got the boot on Making the Band. They both said that they could forget that the cameras were there and behave quite normally.

I may be able to forget that there were cameras around for a second and behave naturally, but I don't think that I would quickly see that camera and remember exactly what is going on. The other "Real Life" show on CBS has already admitted and shown footage of their "guests" (prisoners more like it) who actively play with the camera operators. I think that there is a fair amount of that going on with the other shows as well, but we are not shown these moments where they acknowledge the cameras.

I know that if put into any of the situations I would not be myself. I would become comfortable with having the cameras around, but I would not be myself. America would not want to see me. I spend time working on a useless website that nobody visits, and I am a general all around loser. Of course I would develop a character to play and play it as well as I could. My life would make for very bad network television.

I don't buy that these shows are completely real, and the problems that they seem to develop seem really quite bogus. I have given up on these pointless shows. It's a shame that the network is going at it again in the Australian Outback. I guess I shall have to grin and bear it.

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