I saw a touching story about a four year old girl that nearly killed herself with a butane lighter that had been left on the kitchen counter. The News anchors quickly attempted to make it look like it was the company's fault for not putting more child safety devices on the lighter. Hey the family sued and the company settled without fighting it.

I have one question for you. Who in their right mind would leave a lighter on the counter and go to bed when you have a four old and another small child in the house that could find it? The mother said that she thought it was safe because she thought the off switch would prevent the kids from lighting it. Evidently, this woman has never heard of Murphy's Law. I figured out how to open medicine bottles in Kindergarten because I could read enough of the cap to figure it out. That lighter should have been put up high or hidden where the kids would never find it. Would she have left matches or a handgun on the couter? I hope not. So why leave this easier to light device just sitting on the counter when she went to bed? If you ask me, this woman should be in prison for child endagerment.

People need to start taking responsibility for their own actions. If you do something stupid like spill coffee in your lap it is not the fault of the manufacturer. It is your own darn fault. Don't start suing everybody you see. I have done a lot of stupid and embarassing things in my life and you have to suck it up and drive on and realize that it is your own darn fault.

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