Today we were faced with the question of where to place the Christmas tree. My nut case mother did not want it where it was last year nor did she want it where it was the year before that. She has too much furniture and the baskets don't help much either so when it comes time on where to put a tree some of theat stuf needs to be moved. This of course causes certain little used areas of the room to become some what difficult to reach, particularly with her rather large gut. So she did not want to take anything out of the room and she did not want to narrow any passages so she arued for about an hour and even started to cry and scream that there just would not be a tree this year. We finally got her to agree that the only feasible solution was to set things up the way they were last year.

It never fails that anytime we have to do something that she wants things done her way or else she whines and cries about how stupid it would be. She nevers seems to notice how stupid all those "valuable" baskets look. Well she has almost always gotten her way and she probably will as long as my jellyfish father continues to let her.

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