Why is it that the media continually portrays Bill Clinton as a wonderful president? This man has been the cause for more words ending in "gate" than any other human being since the begining of the earth, but yet the media keeps telling us that he has given us a most wonderful economy and has done so many things for this country. What has he done? The president has a very minimal effect besides an attitude that he may instill in the American people. You as an American citizen have as much control over the economy as the president. Every time you spend money you are helping the economy. The consumers tell the people on Wall Street what investments to make and whether a company should hire more workers or lay them off.

Getting back to Clinton and what he did. Bill Clinton is not in trouble for having an affair with someone young enough to be his daughter. He is in trouble for lying about it under oath. plus a few other possible involvements regarding some papers that were seal in the plaster of the walls of the White House etc. Whether or not he appologized for his actions he should notheless be held accountable for his actions. Had O.J. Simpson from the begining had said I'm sorry then would people have responded by saying "Let him go. He said he was sorry"? You may be saying that OJ was involved in murder and this is less serious, but perjury is still a crime and the president should be no different from any other citizen. The president should also be a role model for your children. Do you want your sons to grow up to cheat on their wives? The president is also a figure head to represent the population. Do you want the world to think that all Americans will have sex with anyone whether or not they are married? Has America come to a point where the majority are like that and so we think it is all right. I do not think that most of lead a life like that which is seen on soap operas and cheap romance novels. Morals do count when you are talking about the president. He lied about his affair....Who knows what else he has lied about.

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