This week I am being disturbed by euthanasia. Euthanasia literally translates to mean happy death, and at first glance it seems like a good idea. Allowing people to die with dignity. That begs the question, "What dignity can come from death?"

Is there dignity in giving up? When a person allows another person to kill them, they are giving up the fight against the disease that person has. I thought that quitters never have any dignity. So why then, is quitting dignified?

The only way to have hope is too be alive. If you are dead then you will have no hope. I guess most people believe in the ideal of "Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die." Whether or not people will admit it or not euthanasia is literally the facilitated death of another individual.

Whenever another person becomes involved in a death, that death becomes murder. These doctors that are performing euthanasia are murdering the sick and dying. Sometimes though these people are not really on the verge of death. There have been instances where people have been in comas or such and they have been euthanized.

Unfortunately, insurance agencies are not willing to pay for many of the necessary tests and treatments so if this procedure becomes common place then insurance companies may end up forcing people to have their relatives put to sleep because they will not be able to pay for the treatment.

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