Last night I saw on the news that bras may cause breast cancer. Why should we care? Have women not survived wearing brasfor years now? There have been no serious scientific study relating bras to breast cancer, but a local doctor has decided that women who wear bras twenty-four hours a day are 125 times as likely to get breast cancer. This is because the bra cuts off your lymphatic system from getting the toxins that cause cancerous cells to develop out of the breast, but before the bra was used women used to wear corsettes which would actually damage thier rib cage. If women have survived this long wearing these rediculous undergarments then do they really cause a serious health risk?

In fact I am tired of hearing about all of these health risks. We hear in the news all the time that this raises your chances of getting cancer by twenty-five percent, that will increase your chances of having a heart attack, and this other food contains a carcinogen. A couple of years later we hear that the studies were false and the opposite is true.

Often times the risks are so minimal that it is not worth your while to change your lifestyle so that the bad thing can be avoided. Are these things really that bad? Haven't we survived eating popcorn with coconut oil on it? Why should we change what we eat and what we wear? A while back it was proven that cranberries cause cancer, but it was not publicized until later that you would have to eat the whole field of cranberries before you would have any reasonable risk of devolping cancer. There were studies that have shown that eating Mexican and Oriental foods have a lot of fat in them. In the words of Jim Nabors, "Surprise, Surpise, Surprise." Nearly everything that is served at Mexican restaurants is either red meat or fried. Do these people have such an inability to grasp the obvious that they must spend money to do these studies?

Aren't we going to die anyway? Isn't this world becoming overpopulated? Then why shouldn't I eat as much fat as I can so that I can make way for the next generation and not wait around to take up space? By eating red meat and all those "bad" foods, I am just trying to clear the way for the next generation. If people would just ignore these warnings then the researchers wouldn't have a job and theater popcorn would still taste great.

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