First of all I would like to say that I do not think that voting is at all evil. This is just the place where I let myself go. I have no intention on swaying your vote so pay no attention to the icon at the top of the page.

Next Tuesday we will be faced with a decision. Will we go on with the liberal idea of tax and spend or will we change and get somebody into office who will balance the budget and not raise taxes. If you do not go out and vote (if you are eligible) then do not complain if things do not turn out the way you would have liked. You have had your chance to put another person into office and you blew it.

It's not that I like the person leading in the polls for the presidency, but those of you people who do should get out and vote because the polls will not win him an election. If you are planning on voting for the one with the big ears then you are voting for the incumbent. If you want to get the incumbent out of office then you must vote for the person who is immediately following the incumbent in the polls. Do not vote for the one with eight points.

Let me list the major candidates and some of their agendas.

Bill Clinton: Tax and spend, no concern for you only your vote, State dinners at Mc Donald's, and pot in the White House.

Bob Dole: Old man who actually cares about the country, wants to give you your money back not to the people who don't deserve it because they refuse to look for a job, honor back to the White House.

Ross Perot: Big ears, cares about his pocket book, (see also Clinton, Bill minus the bit about Mc Donald's and the pot).

The most important thing is that you make an informed decision on Tuesday and that you do help the decision because I do not want to hear you complain because you do not like the president.

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