This week I have decided to adress the issue of riverboat gambling. I have decided this because it will be on the November ballot in Ohio. Unfortunately, the only groups who can afford to run ads about the issue are the people who will profit from it.

Their ads have said that it will bring "good jobs" to Ohio. That is true police officers are good people. We will need more police officers because of the other jobs it will produce, such as, prostitutes and drug dealers. That's O.K. because their will be plenty of revenue generated for the schools. The figure they are throwing around, for the amount of revenue that will be generated, will amount to about $100 per student. Once you account for what the teachers and administrators earn from that, each student will receive very little money toward their education. That is only if the floating casinos can generate as much revenue as adjacent states. In order to do that Ohio must draw people in from these adjoining states, otherwise we will lose money in the increased need for crime prevention.

Another thing that will be added is that they will only be certain places. How long will it be before they are added them to all places in Ohio? I do not want them near me because of the increase in crime they will cause in the areas.

Who are the people who use casinos? They are the people who rather than invest their money in sound investments like the bank and slowly earn money would rather spend their money hoping to get rich quick. What person wouldn't like to be an overnight millionaire? The simple fact is that very few people ever actually come out a casino ahead. So rather than people who need to buy clothes, food, and shelter, buying things they need they will be blowing it all in the casino. This will hurt other businesses as well as the families that need those things. This will lead to further moral decay. The country's morals have decayed enough already.

For stronger schools, economy and future we should not vote issue 1 this November.

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