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     A growing number of Americans are angry at the Republican party because of their handling of the impeachment of Bill Clinton. Millions more are convinced that the liberal Democrats are either insane or law breakers. Because the two major political parties are incapable of working together for any common goal, many people are searching for another group to lead them into the 21st century. The incompetence of the Reform Party has been proven through the poor leadership of Jesse Ventura, Governor of Minnesota. Other third parties are special interest groups our to save the rain forest or give more holidays to steel workers. It is time for a party that does not tell its members or other citizens how to think. It is time for a party that does not play politics when decisions need to be made that will affect the well- being of all Americans. This party is the Georgia Centralist Party.

     The ultimate goal of the Georgia Centralist Party is to provide funding to candidates that represent the values of middle class America and the ideals important to all citezens, from the grassroots level.