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Tullio DiGiacomo - 10/28/00 19:02:47
My Email:d-tullio@lycos.com


tomt - 05/26/00 17:57:18
My Email:tom@ezlink.com

Hi Ron, I've been working on my web pages the last month or so, completely rebuilt & reorganized my home page. Check it out. Well, how was TSP 2K? I really missed not being able to make it there. I hope you can see it in your heart to forgive me. As recompense, I'm doing 5 star parties at Carter Lake (http://ezlink.com/~tjteters/carter.html) I just hope it clears up enough so I can hold one tonight. It's not looking to hot. If things work out well tonight, I'm going to try a little astrophotography after the lookers leave. I borrowed a 35mm Pentax with a 200mm lens and think I try Scorpio, Leo, etc. The Moons up at about 2:30 so I won't have a lot of time. Well let me know how things are going, have a good weekend my friend. Keep it Cosmic!!! tjt

Sumangal Kane - 04/28/00 01:05:24
My Email:sumangal_kane@hotmail.com

HI, I am a Astronomy lover ,I liked your site , found it pretty much interesting , contains a lot of knowledge stuff . Got your link trhu langa list.

tom davis - 04/27/00 09:53:57
My Email:tdavis@mgfairfax.rr.com


Shaun Heuston - 04/24/00 18:03:10
My Email:shaunkh@webtv.net

A most informative site! Wonderful graphics and pics. Definately a favorite!

daddydago aka freddie - 03/31/00 20:21:59
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/fredjudi/hcv
My Email:daddydago@about.com

great site I just bought a small telescope, ang love look at the sky at night

Robert Kyle - 03/30/00 22:12:43
My Email:kyle@tdl.com

Enjoyed your sites and I've book marked it so I can return. Found your site through LangaList, a ezine that I get. Bob

Joe - 03/30/00 15:55:19
My URL:http://msnhomepages/talkcity.com/windowsway/jfrontiero/index.html
My Email:Jfrontiero@hotmail.com

Site looks great! Looks like a lot of fun too. Found your page from the Langa List.

Cathy lou - 02/22/00 16:41:12
My Email:stdclh14@shsu.edu

Looking Fine! A great masterpiece in the works! Just sitting at home over studying, as usual, Romantic Literature...funny how all the Romantic authors found value in returning to nature. Victor Frankenstein gained complete rejuvenation in returning to ature. Same with Wordsworth after his damaging experiences in France. Cool, huh? You've really got this links and webpage down to a science...literally! See ya.

Cathy L. Holm - 02/10/00 21:52:53
My Email:stdclh14@shsu.edu

This site seems to be looking very together. Much more descriptive...looks like lots of work. Keep up the stuff!

Lisa Helm - 11/24/99 04:39:48
My URL:http://www.shsu.edu/~stdlah22/
My Email:stdlah22@shsu.edu

I really enjoyed your class (Well, everything but the labs). This is the most interesting class I've taken at Sam. You have taught me things I soon wont forget!

Cathy L. Holm - 11/15/99 04:34:25
My URL:http://www.shsu.edu
My Email:stdclh14@shsu.edu


Cathy L. Holm - 10/27/99 04:15:40
My URL:http://txucom.net/spucd.clh
My Email:spucdclh@txucom.net

Good Lord! How did I end up with this assignment? This is going to blow my young mind! Mercy!!!

Cathy L. Holm - 10/18/99 03:42:26
My URL:http://www.hotmail.com
My Email:stdclh14@hotmail.com

Looking for the gif's from your Lab Instructions last week. Hello! Just working on lab report.

Cathy L. Holm - 10/14/99 13:44:40
My URL:http://www.txucom.net/spucdclh
My Email:spucdclh@txucom.net

You asked me to send this communication. I am available anytime for assistance training at the planetarium. Fridays are good, October 15th or October 21. I just don't know when the make-up test is? My main problem is not that I made such a bad grade, ecause I don't go to school for the grades but to LEARN! If that is not accomplished I have wasted mine and your time. You may call with at least a half-day notice for when I can meet for help. (409) 435-2470 (work), (409) 291-8608 (home) [Go to class on-Thu every night.] or Fax: 435-2473 (work), 291-8628 (home), e-mail, or mobile: 348-1055. Thanx for your help! I'll check tomorrow morning and then again next week.

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