IPMS Mt. DIABLO (Concord, California)

Who we are
We are currently Contra Costa County's only IPMS chapter and are based in Concord, California. Our chapter was named after Mt. Diablo, a 3849' mountain that was named a State Historical Landmark in 1977. Gracing Mt. Diablo's peak is the historic Summit Building. The beacon at the top of the rotunda of the Summit Building is lit each year for only one day, Pearl Harbor day (December 7th). This is to honor those who lost their lives in 1941.

The club was founded in 1991 by a handful of devoted modelers and has been growing ever since. Even though the chapter is a small group in comparison to other clubs, we have had a successful and fun time of it. Our chapter contains several National IPMS Contest winners in addition to the many Regional awards many of our members have been fortunate to receive over the years.

Our dues are $12.00 per year ($20.00 including T-shirt), badge included.

When & Where we meet
(next meeting date - July 18, 2002)
The next 5 meeting dates are as follows; July 18, August 15, September 19, October 24 & November 21st. These are the Library meetings (see link for explanation) and if the new scheme gets adopted, then we should be seeing a few more dates added soon. Keep checking this site for info.

Recently, we have found out that the Concord Library has reserved out the meeting room to several other clubs (that'll teach us to be late with reserving the room) on our usual first Monday of the month. There is a possibility that we may be finding another location soon. A location well-suited for model club meetings. Please check back here for further information regarding our meeting dates. Thanks.

Our chapter usually meets on the first Monday of every month. Because of scheduling conflicts, members will be notified of any date changes. The meetings are held in the conference room of the Concord Public Library. Start time is 7:00pm and usually is over by 9:00pm. To make sure that there is a meeting on a specific date, please Email us.


Yahoo Maps (in case you may need a map)


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page last updated on July 6, 2002 IPMS Mt. Diablo
International Plastic Modelers Society