
April 27, 1997

Over this last weekend there was a RTTY contest Polish I think. I worked about 8 stations and was getting interested. But not enough yet to give it any serious effort.All radio contests still seem to me to be like an athletic event without an impartial, knowlegeable judge or referee - a free for all. Evaluation after the fact doesn't alter the fact that people behaved poorly and/or stretched the rules to gain undeserved advantage.

I have seen some very skillful operating by a number of rtty stations and there are several whose humor and generosity are quite evident. These guys will get my little points for what they are worth as I continue to chase the DX stations and read the good, exciting mail.

My copy of the 1996 DXCC book showed up on the 25, much overdue and mailed directly from ARRL since I had made queries about it. K5FUV promised to get one right down to me and he did. "Thanks Bill!"

In the next days I am going to post something about why the DXCC Bulleting or Journal had special significance for me. Nothing to do with my DXCC status since the bulletin does not come out regularly enough to be accurate in my case. It has more to do with how I approach DX and the way most authors and commentators treat the subject.

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