United Right for a United Canada
Five Strong Years of Canadian Conservatism Online : Canadian Conservative Club-True Patriot at http://www.oocities.org/CanConCluTruPat

United Right for a United Canada
Freedom of Expression From TP-CCC to all Canadians from Coast to Coast
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    United Right for a United Canada

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    Leading Candidate Profiles
    Stephen Harper | Joe Clark | Gilles Duceppe

    Supporting Candidate Profiles
    Stockwell Day | Preston Manning | Joe Clark | Brian Mulroney | Michel Gauthier | John Reynolds | Peter McKay | Grant Hill | Diane Ablonczy | Rahim Jaffer | Elsie Wayne | Louis Plamondon | Deborah Grey | Brian Pallister | Keith Martin | Chuck Strahl | David Orchard | Tom Long | John Stachow | Hugh Segal | Pierrette Venne | Francine Lalonde | Joe Peschisolido | Margret Kopala | Frank Klees | Michael Fortier | Dick Harris | Randy White | Garry Breitkreuz | Jason Kenney | Vic Toews | Monte Solberg | Myron Thompson | Ezra Levant | André Bachand | Rick Borotsik | Daniel Turp | Line Maheux | Jean Charest | Kim Campbell | Stockwell Day

    Election Riding Guide
    Get the low-down on your riding's election candidates in the district

    Site Hacked, Illegal Access Gained
    This website was attacked, during the infamous malicious debates in the Summer of 2001, so much was lost. We have taken steps to protect the data left and will make sure the event won't repeat itself. Please re-write your entries in the forum and book for all to see the lost pieces from earlier. Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused. Any tips leading towards the culprits would be gladly accepted.

    Some Canadian Conservative Sites
    | General Election 2004 | Canadian Political Parties | Canadian Federal Election Views | Bourque Newswatch | Hill Times | Pundit Magazine | Politics Watch | Politics Canada | Political Resources | Maple Leaf Web | Politicx | Frank Magazine | DMOZ Canadian Politics | Find Politics | Canoe Decision 2000 | Election Prediction Project | Election Results in Canada | Election Y2K Predictions | Cable Public Affairs Channel | Global Sunday | CTV Question Period | CBC Newsworld Politics | Canadian Political Science Association | Central Thinking | Canada National Info | United League of Nations | Prime Minister of Canada | Government of Canada | Parliament of Canada | Elections Canada | House of Commons Hansard | Canada Gazette | Federal Government Newsrelease | Parliament Hill Web Cam | Statistics Canada | Canadian Taxpayers Federation | National Citizens Coalition | Triple E Senate Action Team | Alberta Vote For Senator | Canadian Senatorial Reform Election | Canadians for Direct Democracy | Canadians for Electoral Reform | New Democracy For Canada | Canadian Silent Majority Coalition | Voice of the Informed Canadian Electorate| Canadian Constituent Referendums Now | Canadian Proportional Representation | Democracy Watch Online | Citizen Research Institute | Canadian Centre for Renewal in Public Policy | Canadian Property Rights Research Institute | Fraser Institute | Douglas Institute | Howe Institute | Citizens Council of Canada | Centre for Prairie Agriculture | Nature Conservancy of Canada | Canada and its Responsible Alternative | Christian Childrens Fund | World Vision Canada | Salvation Army | Campaign Life Coalition | Alliance For Life | Canadian Civil Liberties Association | Freedom Foundation of Canada | Friends of Freedom | Canadian Freedom Fighters | Birch Society | Creation Science Association | Christian Canada | Canada Family Action Coalition | Evangelical Fellowship of Canada | Prayer Canada | Focus on the Family Canada | Crossroads Christian Communications | Christian Action For Israel | Jews for Jesus | Canadian Christian Community Online | The Report | Canadian National Firearms Association | Law Abiding Unregistered Firearms Association | Royal Canadian Legion | The Canadian Army

    Provincial Conservative Sites
    British Columbia Reform Party | Unity Party of British Columbia | Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta | Alberta Social Credit Party | Saskatchewan Party | Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba | Manitoba Libertarian Party | Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario | Ontario Reform Family Coalition | Parti Québécois | Action Démocratique du Québec | New Brunswick Progressive Conservative Party | Prince Edward Island Progressive Conservative Party | Nova Scotia Progressive Conservative Party | Newfoundland & Labrador Progressive Conservative Party | Yukon Party | | Western Arctic Northwest Consensus Nonsense Liberal Schmiberal | Nunavut Northwest Liberal (S)Elections in Nunavut North

    Some American Conservative Sites
    DC Political Report | Cybercast News Service | Media Research Center | Free Republic | Christian Coalition | Christian Friends of Israel | National Alliance against Christian Discrimination | Christian Research Institute | Family Research Council | Heritage Foundation | Promise Keepers | Faith Defenders | Religious Freedom | Council for Government Reform | Alliance for Democracy | Reclaim Democracy | Christians for Israel | Christian Broadcasting Network | Moral Majority | Fair Trade Federation | Center for the Study of Compassionate Conservatism | Real Freedom | Council for Research on the Family | Liberty Alliance | National Alliance against Blacklisting | Morality in Media | Town Hall | World Wide Christian Web | Government is not God | Big Brother | War Room | Right Side of the Web | Conservative Coalition | United North America

    More American Conservative Sites
    Republicans Abroad Canada | GOP Republican Grand Ol Party | National Federation of Republican Assemblies | Republicans Abroad International | GOP USA | Republican Activist | Conservative Activist | Vote Republican | Gen X Rightwing | Hip Republicans | Bush Cheney Transition | Back Bush | Florida for Sore Loserman 2000 | Clinton Impeachment | Clinton Gore White House Resignation | White House of Deceit | Lewinsky Scandal Clinton Impeachment Timeline | Defending your Freedom | Free Citizen | Traditional Values Coalition | Rally for America | Right Bot | Enter Stage Right | Right Pages | Left to Right Wing Quiz | The Democratic Party One Minute Speech Maker | Drudge Report | Republican National Committee | US President George W Bush For 2004 Prez | President George W Bush | Bush For President 2004 | US Ambassador Alan Keyes For 2004 VeePee | Ambassador Alan Keyes | Keyes For Vice President 2004 | US Attorney General John Ashcroft For 2004 VeePee | Attorney General John Ashcroft | Ashcroft For Vice President 2004 | US Senator John McCain For 2004 Prez | US Vice President Richard Cheney For 2004 VeePee | Dubya: George W Bush Jr | Alaska Republican | Washington Republican | Idaho Republican | Montana Republican | North Dakota Republican | Minnesota Republican | Wisconsin Republican | Michigan Republican | Ohio Republican | Pennsylvania Republican | New York Republican | Vermont Republican | New Hampshire Republican | Maine Republican | Alaska Reform | Washington Reform | Idaho Reform | Montana Reform | North Dakota Reform | Minnesota Reform | Wisconsin Reform | Michigan Reform | Ohio Reform | Pennsylvania Reform | New York Reform | Vermont Reform | New Hampshire Reform | Maine Reform | Reform Party of United States | American Reform Party | USA Reformed Conservative Party | Reform Party of the United States of America | Christian Alliance | American Heritage Party | American Party | Americas Party | Puritan Party | Constitution Party | Family Values Party | Federalist Party | Conservative Democratic Party | Blue Dog Democrats | The Federalist | Patrick Buchanan | Ezola Foster | Ross Perot | Pat Choate | John Q Public | Lowell Weicker | Ralph Nader | John Hagelin | Nat Goldhaber | Gary Condit | George Washington 1st Federalist President | John Adams 2nd Federalist President | Thomas Jefferson 3rd Democratic-Republican President | James Madison 4th Democratic-Republican President | James Monroe 5th Democratic-Republican President | John Quincy Adams 6th Democratic-Republican President | William Henry Harrison 9th and 7th Whig President | John Tyler 10th and 8th Whig President | Zachary Taylor 12th and 9th Whig President | Millard Fillmore 13th and 10th Whig President | Abraham Lincoln 14th and 11th Union President | Andrew Johnson 15th and 12th Union President | Ulysses S. Grant 16th and 13th Republican President | Rutherford B. Hayes 19th and 14th Republican President | James A. Garfield 20st and 15th Republican President | Chester A. Arthur 21st and 16th Republican President | Benjamin Harrison 23rd and 17th Republican President | William McKinley 25th and 18th Republican President | Theodore Roosevelt 26th and 19th Republican President | William Howard Taft 27th and 20th Republican President | Warren G. Harding 29th and 21st Republican President | Calvin Coolidge 30th and 22nd Republican President | Herbert Hoover 31st and 23rd Republican President | Dwight D. Eisenhower 34th and 24th Republican President | Richard Nixon 37th and 25th Republican President | Gerald Ford 38th and 26th Republican President | Ronald Reagan 40th and 27th Republican President | George Bush 41st and 28th Republican President | George W. Bush 43rd and 29th Republican President

    WELCOME to the TP-CCC UNITE the RIGHT website

    This website, http://www.oocities.org/CanConCluTruPat, was created on Wed. Jan. 17, 2001 when it was finally decided that the Eastern Regional based - Canadian Conservative Club website, born http://www.oocities.org/CapitolHill/Lobby/1997 on Apr. 27, 1997 in Fredericton, New Brunswick from the federal riding of Fredericton, would merge units with the Western Regional based - True Patriot website, born http://www.oocities.org/CapitolHill/Senate/1997 on June 03, 1997 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan from the federal riding of Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar. The unification of both websites, thankfully through bonding via co-operative efforts during the 2000 Canadian Federal Election after a horrible rivalry during the 1997 Canadian Federal Election that left one site down most of the election, amazingly came through as a way for us to take advantage of the then Geocities (now Yahoo's) deal to move from the former Capitol Hill addresses to the current better situation of sub-domain names.

    As well, it allowed the joint relationship between Reformed and Progressive Conservatives online where all Canadian Conservatives could be welcomed including many conservatives outside of these two parties (Democratic Representatives, Bloc Quebecois, Christian Heritage, Canadian Action, Libertarian, Rest of Canada and Confederation of Regions) who want a voice in the House of Commons too. This might just be their only open and free voice on the matters they wish to air to the Canadian public. A political parlour, where ideas could be shared and debates could be dared. This is, when all policies and principles are boiled down, about Conservatives working together to put Canadians interests first. From 1997 to today, this website has become a united effort of conservative activists seeking to get conservatives elected at all levels of government, to promote conservative issues and values, and to defend the original Canadian Constitution. It has been the open park soapbox for the true blue independent, grassroots conservatism member of and for Canadian Alliance, Democratic Representatives and Progressive Conservatives since the major media has blocked off access to that park and our right to that free speech by buying and spending all of its free space.

    After the 2000 election, however, the other fringe or regional parties like Bloc Quebecois, Christian Heritage, Canadian Action, Libertarian, Rest of Canada and Confederation of Regions just weren't being covered in the conventional news forums and had to have their opinions known in an alternative news political arena such as this. It enables citizens an online community of like minded people who are concerned about the state of the country using free, uncensored discussion of the economic, political, and social issues in Canada along with its identity, current events, politics, national and foreign affairs and culture. It always attempts to be open-minded, accepting and reproducing views of conseratives, moderates alike and even liberals. This is a All Canadian People's Forum: a place to speak out on Canada and be heard by Canadians: Canadians citizens question period to the their Canadian government.

    So, make sure to invite as many Conservatives across Canada from the West Coast to the East Coast, from the Far North cold freeze to the Close South heat wave, invite them here to the TP-CCC online by mass emailings or just email a pal and tell them the parties are in the house. This True Patriot - Canadian Conservative Club has been the leader on Canadian Conservatism online since 1997 and is looking to make it another future five years of uniting Canadian Conservatives and the Right Wing of Canada for a full decade. The wave of the bright future is a return to the glorious past and with a fundamental objective inside our Real Fresh New Start, issues that help this multicultural society we call Canada, which conserves its forefathers past, rights and freedoms founded on the belief that God is our creator and as maker of all people helps to create our rules within our constitution, allows us to care for the young, the old, the low incomed, the unemployed, the impoverished, the sick, the disabled and the unprotected, through more creation of jobs and wages of income, less unemployment and taxes and free one tier universal health care which was and always will be one of the services the majority of Canadians want and need which must be maintained as the sole responsibility of our government, society and family via strong social conservative spending for the family.

    With debt, deficit reduction and tax cuts made from the deletion of services the minority of Canadians want and need, along with the destruction of the GST and NAFTA, increase minimum wages and income salaries, decreased job reductions and layoffs, we will be able to create a fair and equalized budget that will still allow us to care for all peoples yet do so cost effectively so all of Canada wins. We must make both the public sector and private sector accountable for irresponsible spending and wasting of taxpayer dollars. Public through stronger government management creating more jobs and less waste not through privatization or downsizing by giving up needed institutions for the public for private profit gouging or implimenting public paid user fees and private through stronger government legistlation creating safer business management and ethical pricing practices. As well, we must remember the past as far back as the common sense of the 1950's, when corporations and individuals split the income tax bill 50/50 and now it is closer to 93/7. This is a ratio we must exterminate immediately and replace with either a flat tax rate, which would cobweb the 5 percent high income and 3 per cent general surtax or a rate that would give the average Canadian individual, who has become the poor oppressed grassroot minority, a break and leave the majority burden of tax on the wealthy, rich corporate Canadian CEO who would be left shouldering the cost of government and society which would be fair to all peoples quite like the capital gains taxes. This measurement would decrease the ever-growing gap between the rich and poor in Canada.

    There would be no dismantling of the federal government or cuts to needed programs by the citizens, just accountable budgeting to make sure things are run effectively, efficiently and correctly. Systems like social assistance and equalization payments wouldn't need to be cut if people earned more money, businesses created more jobs and provinces had more income and bigger budgets thus, until needed, the systems would be deemed useless by themselves when the people and provinces, because of self-successfulness, no longer need them but won't be cut until then. This allows the true united Canadian Conservative government to satisfy three major public demands: balancing the federal budget, lower federal taxes, and protect or possibly even enhance education and medicare federally along with other services - all ideas that can be intellectually supportable by any Canadian Conservative across the nation so to achieve a better and brighter Canada to achieve a balanced book, stronger set of values and understanding of culture. As well, all government functions would be kept out, banned for life as it would be, of the business of private sector due to possible conflicts of interest and basic ethical standards. This would allow the government to create itself as a second ombudsman measure to keep the interests of those that elected and pay for them to themselves only - the people.

    The 21st century belongs to a United Canadian Conservative Right that allows these traditional values to be a part of their official campaign and election platform where less government when Liberal and more government when Conservative should be the equation to creating steps towards making an independent people who can depend on themselves via referendum and majority rules legislation. When communications are created and not blocked between voter and party, these are the ideas our grassroots Canadian Conservative individual, not your smokey backroom fat old boys politics CEO, stand for and really want. Policy and principle aren't and shouldn't be developed in secrecy by executive and a handpicked group of policy advisors and policy institutes, no the distinctive democratic nature of Canadian Conservatism, even when reformed, it's the grassroots, the populist, the people that drive the party and its policies and principles. They are the ones that sign up, join, put forward policy resolutions and eventually get to a National Assembly. That's why the Canadian Conservative's ideas are so broadly accepted across the country. It's because they weren't generated in an advertizing backroom somewhere, they were generated in town halls in cities or in forums on online websites like you there right here, right now, and it's this kind of grassroots operation that will eventually make a Canadian Conservative government reflective of mainstream Canadian values.

    Not the Liberals and Jean Chretien who kept most Liberal MPs in the dark about its party policy and principle specifics changing its very Liberal Party constitution right up until the day they unveil their Red Book platforms to the general public and their own very MPs. The delegates at their assembly never get to see it and never approved such campaign promises. Constituencies who have submitted resolutions for consideration at party conventions have had them criticized for being "nonsensical", "unacceptable", and "a serious contradiction of our policies" in written comments by Chretien and his committee of policy advisers. Not surprisingly, with this kind of discouragement from the party leadership, not many resolutions originating with the grassroots have ever got to be official party policy and so is the plight of the Liberal Party member who is forced to toe party line no matter how much it hurts their honest conscience. Our belief is that cuts can be done without really undermining anything that really matters to Canadians if made correctly to certain programs at certain times to nothing drastic yet anything needed that has been specifically specified as a waste by the people and the government, which creates an environment that breeds trust not the Canadian public's view of the Liberal's suspicious, disbelievable and overall treachorous 'trust me' ways. Unlike the Liberals, a true Canadian Conservative government would find new money in additional savings from misused programs, it would not allow Canadians to have to pay for all their waste instead only have them pay a minimum tax for maximum use with only programs essentially needed by them kept locked and secure from any budget cut until the majority show, through poll or referendum, that they no longer need it and would just waste their tax dollars if it was still in effect.

    The reason both of the websites got into vocal activist politics was because the people behind then were disappointed over the changes happening in this country, our country, that we and the people using the websites wanted to be able to reverse them and make a better Canada through public solutions to social programs via knowledge of a higher power who helped to create this land we live in. Hopefully, through small talks into the night and big speeches through the day, a coalition can be created here, a deal can be struck and this place will have historically brought the warring factions of the CA, DR and PC together and perhaps even an agreement can be struck amongst other conservative grassroots populist fringe parties to join under one massive conservative tent working hand in hand towards the goal of a true UA and strong bid to defeat the Federal Liberals for next election.

    Thank you for your time, fellow Canadian Conservatives.
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    September Eleven Two Thousand and One
    Pray For The U.S.A., Israel and Canada
    America Under Attack
    God Bless America

    Canadian Grassroots FINALLY get heard!

    Canadian Grassroots

    Canadian Grassroots .ca is a non-partisan membership organization dedicated to ensuring that there are truly grassroots based major political parties in Canada at the federal and provincial levels. As The Voice of Grassroots Canadians, Canadian Grassroots .ca want true representative democracy both in our parties, and in our country. Canadian Grassroots .ca want to be able to elect our party leaders, national councils, local riding boards of directors, Members of Parliament, and Senators in an open and democratic fashion, based upon one vote per member, and to have a say in all major decisions affecting our lives, our local communities, and our country. Canadian Grassroots .ca are a faith-based, non-partisan, multi-partisan, grassroots political lobby, legal services, consulting, and communications organization. Canadian Grassroots .ca believes that democracy is not a spectator sport, but that tyranny is and that those who choose to not participate in the political process are destined to be ruled by those who do participate and that democracy is when governments fear the people, tyranny is when the people fear the government so Canadian Grassroots .ca asks do you want to contiue to be enslaved and manipulated by them. Instead, Canadian Grassroots .ca wants to empower millions of concerned non-elite citizens, and a few elite citizens that believe in something other than money. Canadian Grassroots .ca remembers the Reform movement was born in the late 80's and early 90's to establish a new, innovative grassroots-driven major political party. It was our intention to create a permanent democratically based political party that could be respected, trusted, compassionate and competent. Canadian Grassroots .ca, the founders of the Reform movement, recognized the extent to which the arrogant elitist top-down pyramid style party politics of the Liberals and Conservatives had corrupted our Canadian democracy. Canadian Grassroots .ca asks you to please join with us now, and help us create democracy in our political parties, and in our country.

    Feel free to finally have you voice heard at Canadian Grassroots .ca, fellow TPs and CCs.
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    Free Dominion TRIES to bring PRINCIPLED Conservatism!

    Free Dominion

    Free Dominion .ca is a Canadian conservative news forum dedicated to ensuring a site for the discussion of conservative philosophy, and a resource for conservative activism. As The Voice of Principled Conservatism, Free Dominion .ca want to make their primary focus Canada and international events affecting Canada. Free Dominion .ca interests are Canadian, our pursuit is liberty, and our principles are conservative. Free Dominion .ca is a place to discuss and analyze political news stories without the intellectual encumbrances imposed by political correctness. Free Dominion .ca is a forum designed for those who wish to read and to speak, to learn and to teach, to agree and to argue. Free Dominion.ca exists to encourage the development and dissemination of Canadian Conservative ideas concerning the principles and traditions of a free and ordered Canadian Conservative society. Free Dominion .ca is the creation of a disparate collection of Canadian Conservative academics, journalists, authors, and activists whose views range from Canadian conservatism to libertarianism. Free Dominion .ca works because liberals cannot control content on a political website on the internet, as they do with the old style media. Liberalism cannot successfully be promoted on a serious internet forum because the usual liberal debating ploys don’t work in the unforgiving environment of a public text debate. Also, Free Dominion .ca believes the internet is unique in that it may be the only venue in which a reasoned conservative argument trumps a socialist rant and that in cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream. Free Dominion .ca asks have you had enough yet? If not, please join and support Free Dominion .ca today.

    Feel free to finally have you voice heard at Free Dominion .ca, fellow TPs and CCs.
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    The Conservative Party of Canada UNITED the RIGHT!

    Conservative Party of Canada

    This website, originally created by members of the Reform Party (now Canadian Alliance) and the Progressive Conservative Party from Fredericton, New Brunswick (Fredericton) and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar), had only one goal in mind - uniting the right in Canada and has now expanded to grassroot webnest headquarters in Calgary, Alberta (Calgary Centre), Brent, Ontario (Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke) and Halifax, Nova Scotia (Halifax) also. As representatives of the Canadian Unite the Right Conservative movement, 7 websites across Canada took part in a poll for grassroot members from every major conservative party in Canada and collect data which could possibly help for the creation of one whole united alternative to the current Liberal dictatorship harming our Canadian democracy. The data came directly from online polls located on websites based in seven Canadian cities:
  • Saskatoon, SK
  • Fredricton, NB
  • Calgary, AB
  • Rouyn-Noranda, QB
  • Kamloops, BC
  • London, ON
  • Winnipeg, MB
    The Codes to each poll were applied, secured and closed by True Patriot - Canadian Conservative Club staff and volunteers sworn to conflict of interest, bias and corruption oaths to prevent any sabbotage to the sensitive raw data. The polling started exactly one minute after the end of the day Mon. Nov. 27, 2000 and ended one minute after the end of the day Tues. Nov. 27 2001, making this a full year long online project. Together it polled approximately less than 25% of the official number registered as "conservatives" in Canada (actual percentage was at 21.9 percent).

    It was made before this united site of http://www.oocities.org/CanConCluTruPat/ was launched and before the two websites, True Patriot/Canadian Alliance camp and Canadian Conservative Club/Progressive Conservative camp, merged leaving only 5 centres to poll out of in Canada and allowed the data taken from the two defunct areas to multiply their one month totals by 12 so they could join the study's statistics. That being said, the constants stayed steady in this exercise yet the results overwhelmed and surprised us all in our Unite the Right movement, so much so that we have decided to change our idea on what is the best route for a united conservative governing alternative for Canada. We believe this information will also shock those of you truly interested in this national problem that has plauged and saddened our sorry nation into a sad state of affairs since 1993. Because of the strong need for and to follow direct democracy reaction we polled from grassroots respondants, we have decided that perhaps the united, one party, joint candidates idea that has been looked on here as a formidable possiblity isn't quite the method we thought it would be and, in fact, wouldn't be the best way to create and form a united conservative alternative. Instead we are being led to believe, from the data collected that the people of Canada want three different major conservative parties to join themselves, after an election run as three seperate parties, add all of their combined seats gained during the election by the Members of Parliament from the three regional parties and in a workable, loose coalition government in the House of Commons where the leader of the leading vote getting party of the three would become Prime Minister of Canada, second Deputy and third the Whip.

    Something the Liberals and Progressives past couldn't complete and even refused to try. We have changed our colours here at the True Patriot - Canadian Conservative Club in policy and now know and believe what the true majority and grassroots of Canada's conservative movement want. We are sorry for trying to force the joint party idea upon you and are happy to take your beliefs and replace them with the ones of the past five years we built and created into the foundation of this website. You want three seperate major Canadian conservative political parties, you want them to join only after an election which gives the Liberals a minority and break up before an election campaign is called, you want them to stay as seperate parties but work within a loose parliamentary coalition of conservatives during a session and vote as their party's constitution or riding's constituents would allow them. But above all else, you want elitism, sore ethics and party politics full of conflict of interests to make way for real accountability, direct democratic and grassroot checks and balances. That desire for a principled democratic political movement for representative democracy here in Canada must stay firm and not be contaminated. No philosophies, policies or core beliefs of any conservative minded party or individual must be able to harm this superior conservative ideology for the sake of power. Though an agreement based on a statement of core principles and values which form the foundations of conservative ideology in this country can be found and settled, they must make the people, the taxpayers and the constituents first in priority. The taxpayer should rule the taxpaid, no exceptions to that rule. Let's hope the leaders and parties of Canada read into these polls and find a solution to our need to Unite the Right for the sake of Canadian Conservatives.
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    Stephen Harper finally UNITES the RIGHT ...

    He later and First Elected to office: Elected the Reform MP for Calgary West in 1993. , Harper won the seat for the Reform party in 1993. He was involved in advancing fiscal responsibility and developing Reform Party fiscal and taxation policy. Harper, who is bilingual, was a leading spokesperson for the "No" campaign against the Charlottetown Accord, and he was active fighting for a strongly united Canada during the 1995 Quebec Referendum. In 1993, he was elected to the House of Commons as the representative for Calgary West. During his tenure as an MP from 1993-97, Stephen earned a reputation as an effective, energetic MP, and a leading spokesperson on finance and national unity issues, in both French and English. He developed a pan-Canadian approach to public policy, and it was in 1995 that Stephen Harper first wrote about the need for a unification of Canadian conservatives into a governing coalition. Harper became president of the National Citizens Coalition, a conservative citizens advocacy group. Stephen Harper was involved in the Reform Party from its early days and is now considered one the front-runners in the race to lead the Alliance. He left the Reform Party in 1998 to become president of the National Citizens' Coalition. In 1997, after leaving Parliament, Stephen continued his public service, becoming president of the National Citizens Coalition, one of the largest public advocacy groups in the country, committed to fundamental political and economic freedom for Canadians. In this role, he enhanced his reputation as a respected, national, conservative voice. During his time at the NCC Stephen was first approached as a potential federal party leader, when several Progressive Conservative activists and Members of Parliament urged him to seek the party's leadership in 1998. In March of 2002, Stephen was elected leader of the Canadian Alliance. He was sworn in as Leader of the Opposition on May 21, 2002, as the MP for Calgary Southwest. He immediately set out to rebuild and unify the party after some difficult times. In the fall of 2003, he fulfilled the party's founding objective - to unite all like-minded conservatives, including economic conservatives, social conservatives, Progressive Conservatives in the "Red Tory" tradition, and democratic reformers. On October 15, 2003, he signed an agreement in principle with PC Party leader Peter MacKay to create the Conservative Party of Canada. Stephen received a strong mandate from Conservative Party members on March 20, 2004, to lead the new party. Harper's second attempt at capturing Calgary West in 1993 was a success. He held onto the riding until 1997, when he left the party over a dispute with Manning about party policy. He became president of the National Citizens' Coalition, a right-wing lobby group. In 2002, Harper beat the embattled Stockwell Day for the leadership of the Canadian Alliance Party. He won on the first ballot with an overwhelming 55 per cent of the vote, stunning analysts who had predicted a second-ballot vote. Within two years of that win, Harper managed to bring some of the renegade MPs back into the fold, quell party infighting and negotiate a merger with former Progressive Conservative leader Peter MacKay. He topped of that list on March 20 by capturing the leadership of the new Conservative Party. Harper served as parliamentary assistant to Deb Grey, then ran himself as a Reformer and defeated Hawkes in the federal election of 1993. In 1997, Harper quit to join the National Citizens Coalition, but returned to electoral politics in 2002 when he picked up the pieces of a splintered Canadian Alliance from Stockwell Day. a right-wing think-tank and lobby group Elected leader of the Canadian Alliance in March 2002; first elected to Commons in 1993 as a Reform MP; served as party point man during 1995 Quebec referendum; did not seek a second term after a dispute with Reform leader Preston Manning; founding member of Reform party and its first chief policy officer; national spokesman for No campaign against 1992 Charlottetown accord.

    Stephen Harper

    Stephen Harper, Member of Parliament for Calgary Southwest, was one of the principal founders of the Conservative Party of Canada in 2003. Stephen was born in Toronto, Ontario on April 20th, 1959. Stephen went to Calgary, Alberta and spent his years after high school finding employment in the oil and gas industry with Imperial Oil. Stephen graduated from the University of Calgary with a BA in economics, where he spent time traching as a sessional lecturer, in 1981. After graduating, Stephen began his public service career as a parliamentary assistant to a Progressive Conservative MP Jim Hawkes in 1985. Stephen became disillusioned with the government of Brian Mulroney and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, so with the coming of the Reform movement, he quit his job as EA for his PC MP boss. As a speaker at the party's founding convention in Winnipeg in 1987, Stephen became a founding member of the Reform Party of Canada, serving as the party's first Chief Policy Officer and principal author of Reform's 1988 election platform. Stephen ran in the 1988 federal election as a candidate for the Reform Party, but lost to his old employer MP Jim Hawkes by 16% to 58% of the vote in the federal constituency of Calgary West.

    Harper later returned to Calgary to graduated from the University of Calgary with a MA in economics, where he later spent time teaching as a sessional lecturer, while resuming his role as Chief Policy Officer of the party where he was a key architect of a plan to eliminate Canada's budget deficit in three years in 1988. In 1989, Harper returned to Ottawa as a parliamentary assistant, this time as a parliamentary assistant to the first Reform Member of Parliament Deborah Grey. Harper became the principal author of Reform's 1993 election platform and took point on much of the policy during the campaign.

    Harper was first elected to the House of Commons in 1993 for the riding of Calgary West, when he beat the Liberal candidate by 26% to 52% and Tory MP Hawkes. Harper became married for 10 years to Laureen in 1994, they have 2 children. In 1967, as a Centennial Project, Mr. Manning helped his father write Political Realignment, a book about the merger of fiscal and social conservatism in Canada within Progressive Conservative and Social Credit parties. Between 1968 and 1988, Preston owned and operated an Edmonton based research and management consulting firm that specialized in long-range business consultancy and communications planning, native and community economic development and federal/provincial relations research.

    Mr. Manning was elected as the first Leader of the Reform Party of Canada on November 1, 1987. In the 1988 election, Mr. Manning lost to Tory External Affairs Minister Joe Clark by 27% to 44% of the vote in the federal constituency of Yellowhead. During the campaign, Mr. Manning's team brought Reform increased interest with Reform's second-place-riding results in the West, especially Alberta's, thanks to its over 1/4 of a million vote-2% popular vote. In 1992, Mr. Manning wrote The New Canada which, among other things, outlined the Reform Party's new mission. Mr. Manning was first elected to the House of Commons in 1993 for the riding of Calgary Southwest by 27% to 44% of the vote over the NDP candidate, where the national election campaign had Mr. Manning's team increased Reform's results again in every region of the West. Reform increased its seat count to 52 members from 0, saw its popular vote rise by over 2.5 million votes to 18%, elected one brand new MP in Ontario and placed second in 56 ridings in Ontario. Mr. Manning himself missed out on becoming the Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition to the sovereigntist Bloc Québécois by two seats, to which Reform challenged whether the separatist could be the Official Opposition, but the Speaker of the House ruled in favour of the Bloc. Mr. Manning was re-elected as the newly-minted Leader of the Official Opposition in 1997, where the campaign brought Reform an increase in results for every region of the country, including Québec. Reform increased its seat count to 58 members from 52, saw its popular vote rise by over 2.5 million votes to 19% and placed second in over 40 ridings in Ontario.

    Under Manning's leadership, in just ten short years, the Reform Party grew from a western-based protest party to become the pan-Canadian Official Opposition in Parliament, an unprecedented political move yet to be replicated electorally. On May 30, 1998, Preston proposed that Reform Party members participate in two national conferences with others like-minded to create a United Alternative to the federal Liberal Party. These conferences, throughout 1999, resulted in the creation of a new and even larger Opposition party, the Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance, on March 25, 2000, the Reform Party of Canada membership voted to join the Canadian Alliance. On July 8, 2000, Manning lost the Canadian Alliance leadership race to Stockwell Day, but remained a Senior Advisor to the Leader of the Official Opposition, with special responsibilities for developing Opposition positions on science and technology issues, as the Senior Science and Technology Critic before and after Preston's re-election until Manning's resignation on March 21, 2001.

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    The Conservatives become FISCAL ELITE!

    Conservative Party of Canada

    Something the Liberals and Progressives past couldn't complete and even refused to try. We have changed our colours here at the True Patriot - Canadian Conservative Club in policy and now know and believe what the true majority and grassroots of Canada's conservative movement want. We are sorry for trying to force the joint party idea upon you and are happy to take your beliefs and replace them with the ones of the past five years we built and created into the foundation of this website. You want three seperate major Canadian conservative political parties, you want them to join only after an election which gives the Liberals a minority and break up before an election campaign is called, you want them to stay as seperate parties but work within a loose parliamentary coalition of conservatives during a session and vote as their party's constitution or riding's constituents would allow them. But above all else, you want elitism, sore ethics and party politics full of conflict of interests to make way for real accountability, direct democratic and grassroot checks and balances. That desire for a principled democratic political movement for representative democracy here in Canada must stay firm and not be contaminated. No philosophies, policies or core beliefs of any conservative minded party or individual must be able to harm this superior conservative ideology for the sake of power. Though an agreement based on a statement of core principles and values which form the foundations of conservative ideology in this country can be found and settled, they must make the people, the taxpayers and the constituents first in priority. The taxpayer should rule the taxpaid, no exceptions to that rule. Let's hope the leaders and parties of Canada read into these polls and find a solution to our need to Unite the Right for the sake of Canadian Conservatives.
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    Stockwell Day TURNS the other CHEEK ...

    Stockwell Day

    Stockwell Day, Member of Parliament for Okanagan-Coquihalla, was one of the principal founders of the Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance in 2000. Stockwell was born in Barrie, Ontario on August 16th, 1950. Stockwell spent his early years throughout the Maritimes and his high school years in Ottawa, Ontario and Montreal, Quebec, where he graduated. Stockwell has lived in most other regions of our nation including the Northwest Territories, the Arctic, British Columbia and Alberta. Stockwell attended the Edmonton Northwest Bible College and the University of Victoria. Between 1968 and 1977, Stockwell received training and experience in auctioneering, funeral, boating, logging, meat packing, oil exploration business in British Columbia and Alberta and also took counselling and ministerial training in Alberta. Stockwell became married for 34 years to Valorie in 1971, they have 3 children and 5 grandchildren.

    Mr. Day has a strong background in business, community service and government. Mr. Day has also worked in a leadership role with young people as a counsellor and administrator at Bentley Christian School and Assistant Pastor at Bentley Pentacostal Church from 1978 to 1985. Mr. Day's community work includes serving as Administrator and Assistant Pastor at the Bentley Christian School from 1978 to 1985, working on Teen Challenge Ministries, and serving as an education consultant. Mr. Day has been involved in a number of community activities including fund-raising for local boards and associations and serving as a member of the Red Deer Rotary Club and the Red Deer Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. From 1986 to 2000, Mr. Day represented Red Deer North in the Alberta Legislature, where he served the Progressive Conservative government in a variety of senior roles including Chief Whip, Government House Leader, Minister of Labour, Minister of Social Services and, from 1997 to 2000, as Provincial Treasurer and Minister of Finance. Working with Premier Ralph Klein and others, he has an impressive record of achievement in common-sense reforms to government. Mr. Day is identified as one of Canada's leading voices in advocating for democratic reform, long-term economic opportunity for all Canadians and constitutional respect for federal-provincial relations as a unifying force in our nation. Mr. Day furthered these principles by chairing the Winds of Change conference on uniting "small c" conservative voters in Canada in 1996 and being a founding member of the United Alternative Steering Committee in 1999.

    Day was elected as the first Leader of the Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance on July 8, 2000. Stockwell was first elected to the House of Commons when he won a 2000 by-election by 12% to 70% of the vote over the NDP candidate in the federal constituency of Okanagan-Coquihalla. Day was officially sworn in as a Member of Parliament on September 19, 2000, becoming Leader of her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in the House of Commons. In the 2000 national election campaign, had Stockwell's team increased the Canadian Alliance's results in every region of the country. The Canadian Alliance increased its seat count to 66 members from 58, saw its popular vote rise by over 1 million votes, elected two new MPs in Ontario and placed second in 80 ridings in Ontario. The Alliance increased its Reform vote in Québec from 10,000 to 250,000. However, starting on May 2, 2001, a group of 13 dissident Alliance MPs, led by Chuck Strahl and Deborah Grey, formed the Democratic Represenatative Association rebelled against the Alliance's current leadership by forming a parliamentary coalition with the Joe Clark-led Progressive Conservatives asking for Day's resignation as leader. Stockwell agreed to step down, and on December 12, 2001, resigned as Leader of the Opposition. On March 20, 2002, Day lost the Canadian Alliance leadership race to Stephen Harper, but remained as the Senior Foreign Affairs Critic before and after Day's re-election.
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    Christian Heritage become SOCIAL ELITE!

    Christian Heritage Party of Canada

    Something the Liberals and Progressives past couldn't complete and even refused to try. We have changed our colours here at the True Patriot - Canadian Conservative Club in policy and now know and believe what the true majority and grassroots of Canada's conservative movement want. We are sorry for trying to force the joint party idea upon you and are happy to take your beliefs and replace them with the ones of the past five years we built and created into the foundation of this website. You want three seperate major Canadian conservative political parties, you want them to join only after an election which gives the Liberals a minority and break up before an election campaign is called, you want them to stay as seperate parties but work within a loose parliamentary coalition of conservatives during a session and vote as their party's constitution or riding's constituents would allow them. But above all else, you want elitism, sore ethics and party politics full of conflict of interests to make way for real accountability, direct democratic and grassroot checks and balances. That desire for a principled democratic political movement for representative democracy here in Canada must stay firm and not be contaminated. No philosophies, policies or core beliefs of any conservative minded party or individual must be able to harm this superior conservative ideology for the sake of power. Though an agreement based on a statement of core principles and values which form the foundations of conservative ideology in this country can be found and settled, they must make the people, the taxpayers and the constituents first in priority. The taxpayer should rule the taxpaid, no exceptions to that rule. Let's hope the leaders and parties of Canada read into these polls and find a solution to our need to Unite the Right for the sake of Canadian Conservatives.
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    Preston Manning asks us to THINK BIG ...

    Preston Manning

    Preston Manning, Member of Parliament for Calgary Southwest, was one of the principal founders of the Reform Party of Canada in 1987. Preston was born in Edmonton, Alberta on June 10th, 1942. Preston's father, Ernest C. Manning, served as Alberta premier, as the leader of the Social Credit Party. Ernest also served as a Canadian senator from 1970 to 1983. Preston graduated from the University of Alberta with a BAH in economics in 1964. After graduating, Preston spent three years working on projects for his father, which included giving sermons on his father's radio program the "Back to the Bible Hour." Preston ran in the 1965 federal election as a candidate for the Social Credit Party, but lost to Tory candidate by 22% to 45% of the vote in the federal constituency of Edmonton East. Preston became married for 33 years to Sandra in 1967, they have 5 children and 4 grandchildren. In 1967, as a Centennial Project, Mr. Manning helped his father write Political Realignment, a book about the merger of fiscal and social conservatism in Canada within Progressive Conservative and Social Credit parties. Preston remained a policy advisor for the Social Credit until 1971. Between 1968 and 1988, Preston owned and operated an Edmonton based research and management consulting firm that specialized in long-range business consultancy and communications planning, native and community economic development and federal/provincial relations research.

    Mr. Manning was elected as the first Leader of the Reform Party of Canada on November 1, 1987. In the 1988 election, Mr. Manning lost to Tory External Affairs Minister Joe Clark by 27% to 44% of the vote in the federal constituency of Yellowhead. During the campaign, Mr. Manning's team brought Reform increased interest with Reform's second-place-riding results in the West, especially Alberta's, thanks to its over 1/4 of a million vote-2% popular vote. In 1992, Mr. Manning wrote The New Canada which, among other things, outlined the Reform Party's new mission. Mr. Manning was first elected to the House of Commons in 1993 for the riding of Calgary Southwest by 12% to 70% of the vote over the NDP candidate, where the national election campaign had Mr. Manning's team increased Reform's results again in every region of the West. Reform increased its seat count to 52 members from 0, saw its popular vote rise by over 2.5 million votes to 18%, elected one brand new MP in Ontario and placed second in 56 ridings in Ontario. Mr. Manning himself missed out on becoming the Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition to the sovereigntist Bloc Québécois by two seats, to which Reform challenged whether the separatist could be the Official Opposition, but the Speaker of the House ruled in favour of the Bloc. Mr. Manning was re-elected as the newly-minted Leader of the Official Opposition in 1997, where the campaign brought Reform an increase in results for every region of the country, including Québec. Reform increased its seat count to 58 members from 52, saw its popular vote rise by over 2.5 million votes to 19% and placed second in over 40 ridings in Ontario.

    Under Manning's leadership, in just ten short years, the Reform Party grew from a western-based protest party to become the pan-Canadian Official Opposition in Parliament, an unprecedented political move yet to be replicated electorally. On May 30, 1998, Preston proposed that Reform Party members participate in two national conferences with others like-minded to create a United Alternative to the federal Liberal Party. These conferences, throughout 1999, resulted in the creation of a new and even larger Opposition party, the Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance, on March 25, 2000, the Reform Party of Canada membership voted to join the Canadian Alliance. On July 8, 2000, Manning lost the Canadian Alliance leadership race to Stockwell Day, but remained a Senior Advisor to the Leader of the Official Opposition, with special responsibilities for developing Opposition positions on science and technology issues, as the Senior Science and Technology Critic before and after Preston's re-election until Manning's resignation on March 21, 2001.
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    The new Democratic Reform Party of Canada goes GRASSROOT!

    Democratic Reform Party of Canada

    Something the Liberals and Progressives past couldn't complete and even refused to try. We have changed our colours here at the True Patriot - Canadian Conservative Club in policy and now know and believe what the true majority and grassroots of Canada's conservative movement want. We are sorry for trying to force the joint party idea upon you and are happy to take your beliefs and replace them with the ones of the past five years we built and created into the foundation of this website. You want three seperate major Canadian conservative political parties, you want them to join only after an election which gives the Liberals a minority and break up before an election campaign is called, you want them to stay as seperate parties but work within a loose parliamentary coalition of conservatives during a session and vote as their party's constitution or riding's constituents would allow them. But above all else, you want elitism, sore ethics and party politics full of conflict of interests to make way for real accountability, direct democratic and grassroot checks and balances. That desire for a principled democratic political movement for representative democracy here in Canada must stay firm and not be contaminated. No philosophies, policies or core beliefs of any conservative minded party or individual must be able to harm this superior conservative ideology for the sake of power. Though an agreement based on a statement of core principles and values which form the foundations of conservative ideology in this country can be found and settled, they must make the people, the taxpayers and the constituents first in priority. The taxpayer should rule the taxpaid, no exceptions to that rule. Let's hope the leaders and parties of Canada read into these polls and find a solution to our need to Unite the Right for the sake of Canadian Conservatives.
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  • CCC

    Tracking The Parties
    The Canadian Alliance has bested the other Canadian Conservative parties but what about the Grits.

    Following The Leaders
    Has the Manning vs. Day leadership race really finished?

    2000 Election Package
    Inside the campaigns, Reform then, Alliance now, Tories forever, Chretien's Would-Be Third Term, Scandals/Ethics Watch, Perferred List of Endorsed Candidates, More!

    The Prime Ministerial Debates and Platforms
    Chretien vs. Day, Duceppe vs. Clark and Liberals vs. Alliance, Bloc vs. Progressives

    The Conventions
    Progressive Conservative 2002 in Edmonton, Canadian Alliance 2002 in Edmonton, Edmonton Calgary ABCAHQ, Canadian Alliance Leadership Race 2002, CA March Madness to April Fools 2002, Canadian Alliance National Council Election 2002, Calgary CBC, Calgary CTV, Edmonton CWG, Progressive Conservative 2000 in Quebec City

    Are you closer to the Reformed Right or Progressive Centre?

    Third Party Principle Candidates
    Gilles Duceppe, Ron Gray, Paul Hellyer, Jean Serge Brisson, Ace Cetinski, Elmer Knutson

    Remember to register your Canadian Point of View grassroots-style
    Tell all of Canada including its senators, Members of Parliament and national council executive what you think by interacting with them live here. All it takes is seconds and others across Canada can learn of your beef so speak out and be heard right here by the powers that be - the Canadian Conservative Citizen. Democracy means freedom - stay here, start now!

    More Canadian Conservative Sites
    Canadian Alliance | Reform Party | Reformed Conservative Party | Bloc Quebecois | Democratic Representative Association | Progressive Conservative Party | Christian Heritage Party | Canadian Action Party | Libertarian Party | Rest of Canada Party | Confederation of Regions Party | CA Constituency Associations | CA Central Ontario | CA Southwestern Ontario | CA Cottage Country Snow Belt Ontario | CA Eastern Ontario | PC Constituency Associations | Fed PC | 905 Tory | Tory Story | CA Youth | Reform Youth | CA ON Youth | CA BC Youth | CA Britannia Youth | Reform ON Youth | Reform BC Youth | Progressive Tory Youth | PC Youth | PC NF DL Youth | PC PEI Youth | Canadian Alliance Members of Parliament | Progressive Conservative Members of Parliament | Democratic Representative Members of Parliament | Letter for Canadian Alliance Members of Parliament | Letter for Canadian Alliance National Council Members | Letter for House of Commons Members of Parliaments to Protect Canada's Families | Canadian Alliance History | Progressive Conservative Party History Democratic Representative Association History | Canadian Alternative | Reform Guard | United Alternative | Strong Alternative | One Big Party | Re Elect Stockwell Day For Leader | Harper For Leader | Draft Harper | Harp On Stephen | Elect Grant Hill | Vote Diane Ablonczy | Draft Enza Anderson | Draft Dean Drysdale | Draft Howard Bruce | Preston Manning For Prime Minister | PM 4 PM | Stockwell Day The Next Step | Canada Day For Stockwell | Grassroots For Day | All The Way With Stockwell Day | Light of Day | Pump Stock | Families for Day | Youth With Stock | Day For Grassroots | Anybody But Day | Dump Stock | Canadian Alliance Grassroots | Alliance News | Lookup Alliance | Canadian Alliance Party | Third Force CA | Right Point | Defeat Da DoRCs | Progressive Conservative Democratic Representative Caucus Backroom | Democratic Representative Caucus | Elect Peter MacKay For Leader | Vote Peter MacKay For Leader | Elect Craig Chandler | Vote David Orchard | Elect Jim Prentice | Vote Andre Bachand | Elect Heward Grafftey | Vote Scott Brison | Draft Clifford Albert | Draft Elsie Wayne | Draft Stockwell Day | Draft Jim Silye | Draft Bernard Lord | Draft Lewis MacKenzie | Draft John Tory | Draft Hugh Segal | Draft Michael Meighen | Draft Brian Mulroney | Drop Joe Clark | Freedom Dominion | Tory Draft | Totally True Blue Traditional Tory | Tory Backroom | Out of the Blue PC | Time To Go Joe | Tory Blues News | Unite The Right | Unite the Right for Canadian Conservatives to Stop Splitting the Vote Petition | Why the Canadian Alliance Lost | CA Commitment to the CA Grassroots | Canadian Conservatives 2004 | Canadian Conservative Revolution | Conservative Committee | Canadian Conservative Coalition | Conservative Committee | Canadian Conservatives | Canadian Conservative | Gritlock | Two Cards | Forward Thinking | Quit The Split | Humble Opinion | Democracy Call To Action | Canadian Conservative Essay | Mad Moose | Fed Up Canada | Wake Up Canada | Open Up Government of Canada | Canadian Rebel Alliance | Don't Vote For Liberals | Won't Vote Liberal | Liberal Watch | Target Chretien Liberals Down | Stop Chretien | Jean Chretien Exposed Grit Truth | Jean Chretien | Dump Chretien | Grassroots For Canadian Alliance | Yes Committee For Leadership Review | TP CCC Sign GrassRoots Book | TP CCC View GrassRoots Book | Canadian General Federal Election 2000 Canada Yahoo Geocities | Unite The Right Canada Yahoo Geocities | United Alternative Canada Yahoo Geocities | Progressive Conservative Party of Canada Yahoo Geocities Reform Party of Canada Yahoo Geocities | Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Yahoo Geocities | Canadian Alliance Party of Canada Yahoo Geocities | Unite The Right Canada Yahoo Geocities | TP CCC QuestionPeriod Board Daily | TP CCC TownHall Forum Weekly | Canadian Alliance Grassroots Forum | Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Party Of Canada Forum | Canadian Alliance Party Forum | Freedom Dominion Forum | Totally True Blue Traditional Tory Forum | Progressive Conservative Communications Net Daily Digest Forum | Tory Draft Forum | Common Ground Forum | Gritlock Forum | Forward Thinking Forum | Mad Moose Forum | Stop Chretien Forum | Northwest Freeman Forum | Bourque Newswatch Forum | Politics Canada Forum | Maple Leaf Web Forum | Pundit Magazine Forum | Frank Magazine Forum | TP CCC Chat SpeakersCorner Live Chat | Conservative Coalition Chat | Totally True Blue Traditional Tory Chat | Find Politics Chat

    Some NA Conservative Issues
    New Order Liberal Dictatorship Chretien Style | Dangerous Times with Grits and Tories | Stop the Liberals Broken Promises | Chretien and his Liberals the Politics of Disregard | Hate Brian Mulroney and Love Jean Chretien Why | Brian Mulroney the Great Canadian | Kim Campbell Through the Looking Glass | The End of Trudeaumania | The Right Honourable Pierre Elliott Trudeau | The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien | The Right Honourable Joe Clark | The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney | The Right Honourable Kim Campbell | The Right Honourable John Turner | The Right Honourable Lester Pearson | A Canada United for A United Canada | The Liberal Red Book of Lies not Jobs Jobs Jobs but Taxes Taxes Taxes | Reform Issues 1997 | Alliance Issues 2000 | Americas Thinking of Canadians | The Liberal Party New Found English Language | British North America Act our Original Constitution | Crown Crazed Canadian Constitutional Documents of Confederation | King of the Commons | Americans read Referendum on Secession in Canada | Canada a Country without a Constitution | Canadians must vote Morals Over Money | NWO and the Dominion of Canada | Jeffersonianism and Canada no Comparison | Canadian Liberal Media Brodcasting Bias by Corporation Left | Canada becoming Anti Canadian | Making Democracy Constitutional | Kanadian Komrades or Czanadian Czomrades | Canada in the 20th century | Last 100 years of Canadian Politics | 50 reasons not to vote Liberal | Anti Leftist Neo Liberalism | Anti Rightist Neo Conservatism | Neo Liberalism Evil History | Activism against Neo Liberalism | Neo Liberal Left Canadian Blackout Whitewash | New Left Social Democrats | National Post | Globe and Mail | Toronto Star | Toronto Sun | Ottawa Citizen | Ottawa Sun | Montreal Gazette | Calgary Herald | Halifax Daily News | Vancouver Sun | Winnipeg Free Press | Canadian Brodcasting Corporation | Canadian Tele Vision Network | Can West Global Communications Corporation | Chum Tele Vision | The Right Honourable Sir John Macdonald 1st Conservative PM | The Right Honourable Sir John Abbott 3rd and 2nd Conservative PM | The Right Honourable Sir John Thompson 4th and 3rd Conservative PM | The Right Honourable Sir Mackenzie Bowell 5th and 4th Conservative PM | The Right Honourable Sir Charles Tupper 6th and 5th Conservative PM | The Right Honourable Sir Robert Borden 8th and 6th Conservative PM | The Right Honourable Arthur Meighen 9th and 7th Conservative PM | The Right Honourable Richard Bennett 11th and 9th Conservative PM | The Right Honourable John Diefenbaker 13th and 10th Progressive Conservative PM | The Right Honourable Joe Clark 16th and 11th Progressive Conservative PM | The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney 18th and 12th Progressive Conservative PM | The Right Honourable Kim Campbell 19th and 13th Progressive Conservative PM

    O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free!

    True Patriot - Canadian Conservative Club is a conservative, right wing populist website network working since 1997 for the grassroots inside the reformed conservative movement here in the Dominion of Canada progressively.

    From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

    Support and vote for the top vote getting Canadian Conservative party (CA, PC, BQ, etc.) in your riding next election. Spread the word to others in your community to vote for the same party and candidate. Have open dialogue in town hall meetings before election to make sure everyone votes for that candidate and party discussed as the best to win. Make sure fringe Canadian Conservative parties (DR, CAP, CHP, etc.) have their concerns heard and used by the leading party and candidate. Let's make sure the media knows we are leading the way on this regional disparity coalition government talk and are full of courageous individuals and groups who agree to unite loosely for leadership to defeat the Liberals. Vote per regional difference with the Western Canada vote going to the CA, the Eastern Canada vote going to the PC, the Quebec vote going to the BQ and the Ontario and the North vote going to the leading party in the last election per riding.

    God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

    True Patriot - Canadian Conservative Club is actively looking for websites for anything which are politically Conservative Canadian, US American or North American or pro-People, pro-Grassroots and anti-Liberal to link to and from. If you have or know of such a site anywhere or any place online in cyberspace in the world wide web, please click here or email us here at CanConCluTruPat@yahoo to add it for us to use on this open for all website on truth. Our link has been and is always http://www.oocities.org/CanConCluTruPat/ so keep the drive to drop the Liberals alive. If we unite in cyberspace, how can't we unite in reallife? Let's work together for one common goal and that is the defeat of the Grits and any wannabe liberals in the next election and bring in the party that supports our desire for representative democracy based upon one member, one vote both in our principled grassroots based national democratic conservative political party and in this our great grand and superior truly northern country, the Dominion of Canada.

    Bill C-36 Canada Internet Licensing Board Bill C-68

    The Future Anti Sexual Orientation Hate Propaganda Criminal Code Amendment Act Bill C-415, The Current Anti Terrorism Act Bill C-36 & The Past Firearms Act Bill C-68 are prime examples of the current erosion of past freedoms our armed forces veterans died for in wars past to fight the threat of dictatorship and totalitarianism from taking over our democratic nation and society. Lest we forget the past, present today and tomorrow for a better Canada for Canadians. Evil, wicked and wrong tyrants and their regimes in and of any spectrum must be stopped and defeated for all's sake. In 2001, let us not only remember 11-11 but 09-11, as well. Today is a day in which politics makes way for prayer. We must, as a people, pray for the World, North America including Canada and the United States and its real and true Allies as a whole to start back on the track to doing what is right each and every day we have left. We must, as a unit, work towards one common and united goal, one in which we as a human race have been given to help complete for the future and choose to accept it as our mission. God bless us all, each and everyone.

    A Day of Remembrance-11-11-01-Lest We Forget

    United Right for a United Canada
    United Right for a United Canada
    United Right for a United Canada
    United Right for a United Canada TP-Reformed Talk Here NEW FOR 2002 - Canadian Chat Live Across the Nation Online Saturdays Right Here - Just Click To Join and Start Talking CCC-Progressive Talk Here

    New for 2002: Chat Can Con Club and Tru-Pat at Saturday Night Line Live every Saturday from 9 to 12 CST. Have a Say - Leave your mark once and go or come back and defend your debate. All are welcomed and none are turned away. Open to everyone and free to express. Join up and enjoy this exclusive center for fellowship amongst Canadian Conservatives on the only Canadian Conservative online website out there. TP/CCC-The Online Coalition.

    United Right for a United Canada
    True Patriot-Reformed Resticted

    Copyright © 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, Canadian Conservative Club-True Patriot merger-partnership All Rights Reserved. Terms under which this information is provided to you. We appreciate all feedback and welcome yours, as well.

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