Homepage for Grand Lodge of Virginia Independent Order of Odd Fellows


	  I am an Odd Fellow

               I believe in the Fatherhod of God and the
          Brotherhood of man;
               I belive in Friendship, Love and Truth as
          the basic guides to the ultimate destiny of
          all mankind;
               I beleive, my home, my church or temple,
          my lodge, and my community deserve my best 
          work, my modest pride my earnest faith, and 
          my deepest loyalty, as I perform my duty "to 
          visit the sick, relieved the distressed, bury the
          dead, and educate the orphan", and as I work
          with others to build a better world because, in
          spirit and in truth, I am and must always be,
 	  grateful to my Creator, faithful to my Country 
	  and Fraternal to my fellow man;

          I am an Odd Fellow!


[Grand Master's Program]

[District Deputy Grand MAsters]

[Committee Appointments]

[Main page]

[History of ODD FELLOWS]


[Rebekah Assembly of VA]

[Our Home in Lynchburg]

[Youth programs]

[Grand Encampment]



[index of lodges in state]

[membership requirements]

[Other IOOF Home Pages]

Pictures From This Year

[What Makes an Odd Fellow odd]

[Duties of Members/Lodges]

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