Biography Page
The World Seen Through the Eyes of a Tiger
Life and Times
As if you already don't know, my name is Thomas Nguyen, but a lot of people call me Tom now. I'm a 5'7, 24 year-old Vietnamese-American male living now in Baton Rouge, LA. I am currently a senior at Louisiana State University and working as an ESL Assistant at Baton Rouge's Catholic Community Services.  I come from a family of 11 children: 4 sisters and 6 other brothers, myself being the youngest. I was brought into this world on January 11th, 1977 at 11pm.  My lucky number is 11.  I adore my family.  Being an uncle at the age of 1, I love my 20 (soon to be 21 in July) nieces and nephews (Amanda, Hoang, Hanh, Ngoc, Huan, Bao, Lyly, Thy-Lynn, Kenny, Tyler, Timmy, Daniel, Ethan, Peter, Mary, Hannah, Emma, Anna, Tam, the latest addition of Brandon, with Baby Megan on the way!).  I also enjoy talking and being with my friends whether they are online or offline.  Major shout outs go to Kelly for being so graceful *wink*; Doogie for sticking by me through the good and the bad; and the countless many others throughout my lifetime that touched my life one way or another.
Did You Know?
For those of you that know me well, I love SPORTS. You could probably catch me at home watching ESPN or some sporting event on TV or me in my car listening to sports talk radio.  I'm a fan of ALMOST any sport.
I love collecting words of inspiration and pass them along to people to maybe brighten up their day. They range from a simple quote to maybe a song. I don't sing as much anymore, but you could catch me singing along to a few tunes when I'm driving to work or heading out to work. I just don't have that perfect voice to make it a career for myself :-) R&B and ballads are my thing, but I do listen to just about anything that's being played on the radio or at the night club.
I LOVE COOKING! I don't have much time to do it now that I am so focused with school and all so when I get a chance (it's Sunday Nights now at the apartment.  I don't have the amenities of a house where I could cook on the grill so I've gone to more traditional dishes and love to explore new recipies. 

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Updated June 10, 2002

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