Don't Ya Just Hate it, When.....?
You say something to your husband and he looks at you like he's never seen you before in his life!
You tell your kids to clean up and they whine that none of the mess is theirs.
You order iced tea and the waitress brings you unsweetened tea:(
You arrive at the spring cotillion and Martha Jean Wilcox is wearing the same exact dress you are!
Someone starts to tell you something then says, "Oh never mind", that just really ticks me off!
You're watching TV with someone and they just saw the same thing you did but they ask you what happened
You're prepairing dinner and everyone keeps whining, "when is it gonna be ready, what are we having?" You finally tell them meatloaf and they all go, ewwwww. Then eat every bite.
You put on your underpants sideways and don't discover it until about halfway through the day, because it's been driving you nuts!!! (happened to me!)
You get all dressed up and you're finally sitting in church, but you look down and have the baby's sock stuck in your pantyhose about the middle of your calf.
You have rushed getting dressed. You're walking across the floor at work and some undies from the dryer fall out your pants leg. (happened)
You go to the ladies room and come out with your dress tucked into the back of your panty hose. Mooning everyone one in sight. (never happened thank goodness!)
One of your kids wants to know how far it is from Atlanta to Dallas, in feet!
Oh well, these little irritants keep life interesting.