lizcrn01.gif (10870 bytes)Baja Community Leader App

A Community Leader is a regular homesteader in Baja who has volunteered his or her time online to help their fellow homesteaders.  These people show a willingness to donate time, knowledge and experience to help others to create, maintain and troubleshoot problems that they may come across while homesteading in GeoCities.

The requirements to become a Community Leader in Baja are few but are very important.   They are listed below.

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Baja Community Leader Application Form


This is the Baja Community Leader Application Form. Please feel free to read it through before filling it out.

Remember, being a Community Leader is an important responsibility. Children under 13 are not permitted to apply. The personal information you will be providing is being sent to and collected by a volunteer, a Community Leader, and NOT an employee of GeoCities. This information is being collected solely for the purpose of evaluating your application to become a Community Leader, and determining whether you should be accepted as a Baja Community Leader. As part of the evaluation process, your information is likely to be reviewed by other Baja Community Leaders, and may be kept on file by the Baja Community Leaders for an indeterminate period of time. Please contact if you have any questions about how your information is used.

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Please remember you must be a Baja Homesteader when you apply, if you are not your application will not be processed.

  1. Please tell us your name:
  2. Please tell us your GEOCITIES Membername: (use the name you use when creating your web site.)
  3. Please tell us the e-mail address you will use for your Community Leader duties:
  4. Please tell us your complete BAJA website address:( for example This must be filled out for your application to be considered.)
  5. Please tell us your age: (Children under 13 years of age are not allowed to apply.)
    Date of Birth
  6. Are you currently a Community Leader in another neighborhood?


  7. Which part of Baja are you currently residing (where is your homepage?) in?


  8. Baja Community Leaders use either YAHOO PAGER, ICQ or AOL Instant Messenger to communicate with each other. Do you have YAHOO PAGER, ICQ or AOL IM? If so please tell us your YAHOO PAGER NAME, ICQ UIN or AOL screen Name or all of the above.

  9. Please tell us a little about yourself. (This information will be used to identify you on the Baja leader.html page. (no more than 200 characters please.)

  10. When did you move into the Baja Community?

    -- mm/dd/yy

  11. Are you over 18? ( if NO please copy and paste the paragraph below into a e-mail have your parents read the paragraph and agree to it's terms. Then e-mail the consent form to Community Leaders can on occasion be exposed to pornography and other objectionable material when visiting sites.) If Parental Consent is not received your application will NOT be processed.

    Yes, I am over 18.
    No, I am under 18.

    Parental Consent form (please copy and paste into email with proper info filled in.)

    I understand that (insert your membername) has applied for the position of Community Leader in Baja. I also understand that CL's may be exposed to pornography, excessive profanity, and hatred against racial, ethnic and religious groups. I take full responsibility for supervising my child while she/he is performing CL duties. I have read all the requirements of a CL on this page and verify my child meets these requirements. I understand that if my child is chosen I will be called at (insert your phone number, include area code/country code) for voice verification of permission. I further understand this position takes a strong commitment and may take up to 10 hours a week of my child's time.

    11b. Community Leader Training Course is normally 10-12 days long (2 weeks). So that we can help you become a CL in the best, fastest way please tell us what days you are available for training:

    Monday     Tuesday    Wednesday  Thursday 
    Friday     Saturday   Sunday     

    11c. Please tell us what hours you are available for Community Leader Training:( Community Leaders are required to be CL's on a daily basis, if you can't be online daily to perform your duties after training your application will not be processed.)

  12. What are your technical strengths? (How well do you know HTML, JAVA, JAVA Script, are you a graphics person etc..)

  13. What are your interpersonal skills? (Are you good at interacting with people, do you communicate well with others etc..)

  14. Do you have any special talents that will be useful to the Baja Community? (are you multi-lingual, can make banners and other graphics, can you stand on your head and sing the national anthem backwards....)

  15. Community Leaders do other things besides visit sites and make reports. We have meetings, committees, special events, chats and more. If you become a Community Leader what would you like to do? ( To be on the Chat or Forum Committees you must be at least 18 years old and have been a CL at least 3 months)
    Graphics Committee             Welcoming Committee          Best of Baja Award                          
    Forum Committee                 News E-zine Committee        
    Community Committee        Special Events Committee   Holiday Committee                              
    Contests Committee                              
  16. Prospective Community Leaders must go thru a 10-12 day training course. Do you feel you'll have enough time each day(trainees are to be in daily contact with their training mentors on a daily basis) to complete this course?

    Yes, I do
    No, I don't but still would like to help (see the GeoCities Neighborhood Watch Program for more info.)

  17. What does the term Community Leader mean to you?

  18. What does the Baja Community mean to you?


Check this box to have a copy of this form mailed to you when you push the Submit button (STRONGLY RECOMMENDED).

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Copyright DesertStar 1999
used with permission by Honeyimhome Baja Liaison
Last revised: June 4, 1999