Recent Austin Trips & ROT Rally

We were supposed to be going to the Louisana HOG Rally but it was raining pretty hard, so we went the opposite way of the rain and ended up in Austin, TX! First pic is Teri, Ros and Phil at our first stop to have a cold one. Second pic is a babe who couldn't resist taking her pic with Phil and me, third one is our group shot, I was falling down and needed something to grab a hold of!

Night on Sixth street and road shots of Phil and Ros

99 ROT Rally and the group of folks we ran into under the shade of a tree. It was steaming hot and we needed a place to rest. These were great people and we had a blast having a few cold ones with them at their campsite!

The "Bumble Bee" under the tree, Ros on a Sporty, party at the hotel!

Phil and Ros as always, Teri and Ros on sixth street!

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