March 19, 1997


Darkness is encroaching, like a chronic disease, photon by photon. I definitely feel that my daylight hours are numbered. Tomorrow is the autumnal equinox and April 26 will be the last day of sun glowing above the horizon to the west. The beautiful Royal Society range will become a distant memory in just over one month! Today was even colder than yesterday, although yesterday I didn't think it would be possible. The ambient temperature is -15F and the windchill at 5:30 pm was a bone chilling -73F. The anemometer, when it's working correctly, seems to be on some type of cruise control, maintaining the wind speed at 30 mph. Today's picture is McMurdo Sound looking North at Hut Point. The steam coming off the water is pretty amazing. I didn't ever think I'd see 28F sea water steaming!