Bibliographical Information

Buckler, McKay Hill.  A History of World Societies.  New York: Houghton Mifflin Co.,

Ellis, Elisabeth Gaynor and Esler, Anthony.  World History: Connections to Today.  New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1997.
    Note: Most of the pictures used were scanned from this book.

"Germany, history of" Encyclopædia Britannica Online
    [Accessed March 14, 1999].

“Germany, History of.” Encyclopedia Britaennica: Macropaedia.  1974.

Halle, Louis J.  The Cold War As History.  New York: Harper Collins Publisher, 1975.

Holborn, Hajo.  A History of Modern Germany 1840-1945.  New York: Knopf, 1969. [Accessed April 17, 1999]. [Accessed April 17, 1999]. [Accessed April 17, 1999] [Accessed April 17, 1999]

K., Charles R.  Personal Interview.  19 Jan. 1999.

Mazour, Anatole G., and Peoples, John M.  Men and Nations.  Harcourt Brace
    Jovanovich, 1975.

“Otto von Bismarck & The Unification of Germany.”  [Online]
    [Accessed January 30, 1999].

Ryder, A. J.  Twentieth Century Germany From Bismarck to Brandt.  New York:
    Columbia University Press, 1973.

"Schröder on 'historic' election."  BBC Online Network.
    [Accessed April 14, 1999].

"Year in Review 1996: World Affairs" Encyclopædia Britannica Online
    [Accessed March 14, 1999].