Ataraxian Access
[ contact me ][ about the site ][ my biography! ][ poetry-writing services and more ][ other multimedia ]
WELCOME!contact or contract me at!

access forever

I'd made an appointment, had my hair cut,
interviewed, failed and fell away, rested
until a great wave came up from the deep
raised me up high, held me, rocked me awake,
stood me in the light of reason dawning:
Now you may be Socrates, hold counsel
on high matters with your son, teach him Vico,
Aristophanes, Plato, Dylan, Poe --

slip him Homer's heady wine; go, listen
to his moonlit guitar garden strumming,
the delicate, the true and perfect cut
of melody and rhythm, believing
you're in heaven; and in the grace of sun
again become a slammer of screen doors,
a slinger of smoking pans, food burning
in the kitchen; again take too long

to finish what you've been saying for
posterity's sake, ignoring the Environment;
again riddle meaning out of the whale,
inside of the sea poem's soul searching middle
-- or predict on tomorrow's rising thoughts
the age now taking your daughter's heart,
unwashed as yet of familial tones,
nor caught in its odes of silence.

The silence of sycamores I'd seize,
these birthrights, these hemlock rooms sewn of these,
newly needled pitch pine temple floors
alight with midnight summer's fairy glow,
a temporal resolve: I'll not rise up,
nor out a weary exile's doorway go,
but welcome home, as age welcomes bed,
this ataraxian access forever.

web design by Ben Turner site premiere: july 1st

e-mail mary:

e-mail michiko:

site problems?
[ about Ataraxian Access ]
This section is about me, this site's webmaster, my view of the Muse, and the Muse's view of what I do, based on my cyberversion of her Ataraxian Access. It also has a list of methods of how to go about contacting me, and how to inquire about the services I offer.


[ a bio of  Muse and her partner Michiko Furuta ]
The Muse, The House in North Parsonsfield, Michiko Furuta, poetry, translations, an honorarium,cane carving by Eric Gobin.


[ offered services ]
Commissioned poetry--The Muse writes original poetry composed to order for all purposes and occasions. Rendered in both English and Japanese by shado artist Michiko Furuta, translations of her poems are a specialty.


[ other assorted photos, artwork, etc. ]
Ataraxian Access, Parsonsfield, UFO, Lear 2020, Archives


How to contact me.