Macquarie University Pagans




Macquarie Uni Pagans

This campus-based pagan networking group originally formed in 1999, to provide an opportunity for pagans to meet and greet and discuss topics in an informal environment. The small group that met regularly disbanded mid 2000.

What’s happening now?

***STOP PRESS Feb 2004*** Current expression of interest for a new Pagan Networking group will be published in the next edition of the campus info flyer "What's Up" Stay Tuned for more info. As the original facilitator, when I left university life in 2000 to pursue a corporate career, at that point there was no active pagan group on campus. And to date, late 2003, to my knowledge there has not been a contact group on campus since.  


For general pagan contacts, I suggest the following:


I have since returned to uni on a part-time basis whilst I continue working full time. I am not on campus enough to consider reviving this group on my own.


Check out SAM (Students at Macquarie) website for current updates on campus life and Student Clubs for an updated list of registered clubs and societies on campus.

Thank You

Thank you for your interest.


If you or anyone you know would love to revive this Mac Pagans or indeed start up a new pagan networking group at Macquarie Uni, I wholeheartedly encourage you to do so and would in fact love to hear about it. Please email me at to discuss handing over the associated email account and this website.


Updated Feb 2004