Sherman Alexie    (Interview with Alexie)
Maya Angelo
Beat Poets
Richard Brautigan
Gwendolyn Brooks
e. e. cummings
Emily Dickinson
Dickinson Electronic Archives
Virtual Emily
Poems: 1896
The Emily Dickinson Journal
Emily Dickinson: Academy of American Poets
Emily Dickinson International Society
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Bob Dylan
T.S. Eliot
Robert Frost
Robert Frost
Robert Frost: Academy of American Poets
Langston Hughes
Robinson Jeffers
Hershman John Navajo poet from Tuba City
Henry W. Longfellow
Native American Authors Online A number of Native American poets are listed here
Sylvia Plath
A Celebration
Plath Online
Sylvia Plath: Academy of American Poets
Ezra Pound
Anne Sexton
Walt Whitman
Whitman Archive
Walt Whitman Collection
Walt Whitman and Development of Leaves of Grass
Leaves of Grass
Constructing Whitman


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