The Bad Poetry Page Quiz...
or Survey Thingy...

Okay… we give you a poem… you tell us what you think… We might even do this on a regular basis of sorts if we get technically inclined enough…

Okay, here's the first poem by Omouse:

Apricot Sestina

Sitting on a bench dedicated to Thomas
Waiting somewhat impatiently for the bus
My friend Melissa brandishes me with a Whitstable rock
And orders from me a sestina using the words "apricot"
And "pillarpost" which I shorten conveniently to "post"
She's trying to be difficult. But I throw in a "road"

Just to make sure she won't railroad
Me into some word like "The High Nave of St. Thomas's
Cathedral" After all, who thinks to call a mailbox a pillar post
Except for Melissa when she's being difficult? I hope the bus
will be on time. Maybe I should set her to rhyming words with "apricot"
I surely couldn't keep her busy with "rock"

Now she's glaring at me knowingly and rocking
Her foot back and forth. I turn my page towards the road
So she can't see it. She might slime me with apricot
Jam or knock my head against this bench of Thomas's
If she knew my sestina was "A treaty on waiting for the bus
With Mel. Perhaps I shall be evil and post

This on the Internet. Now we're clustering on the many uses of "post"
Yes, fourth stanza and I begin to dry up. Shall I rub my rock
(A holy one from Whitstable) or pray the bus
Is early and I won't have to back my claim that the road
To writing a sestina is an easy one? St. Thomas,
Patron Saint of Pilgrims and Sestina Writers with Apricot

Jam Tendencies, save me from friends who think Apricots
Are cute fuzzy things that belong in sestinas. The phrase "Thick as a Post"
Comes to mind. Perhaps a well thrown holy blessed-by-Thomas
Honest to goodness given to me by a colorful local rock
Will wack some sense into her before we hit the road.
I'm beginning to worry because a bus

Just came but it wasn't the bus
We needed. Perhaps I'll finish this Apricot
Sestina. Melissa just wandered down the road.
Oh no, there she is staring at the pillar post,
Bored out of her mind. Now she's staring at the cars,
Rocking her foot impatiently, waiting with Thomas

And I on our own bench by the road waiting for the bus
I rub my lucky rock and pray once more to St. Thomas
Will she think I've done justice to her pillar post and Apricot?

Please tell me your name: (Do not hit return)

Please tell me your email: (Do not hit return)

1) How would you rate this poem?

Really Bad
Don't know
Pretty Cool!

2) Do you think Omouse is Crackers?

Yes, but only in that cute eccentric way.
She really really scares me!
No, she's the sanest person I know.
Maybe I could recommend a good shrink?
As long as you don't mention Harrison Ford, she's fine.

3) If stuck on a dinky island with no one for company, which would you rather have?

Omouse's Poem
A Spice Girls cd
A TV that plays only Barney and Teletubbies
A plant named Harry

4) What comments do you have about the poem? Why did you like it? Hate it? Frame it and stick it on over your bed?

Here's a Harrison Ford Trivia Question: (aww come on... how can Omouse make a page without just a little gratuitous Harry?)
How old will Harrison Ford be on his next birthday?
And when is it?
(hint: Omouse, Harry, and Patrick Stewart all share the same b-day!)