Moscow State Academy
of Instrument Engineering
and Computer Science

MSAIECS is an educational institution for students of different profiles. My specialty at MSAIECS was Art Proceeding of Materials. It was inaugurated at 1991, so our group was the first to graduate from. The specialty has four divisions:
- Art Casting of Metals;
- Jewelry;
- Metalsmithing (using old Russian methods of this craft);
- Art proceeding of non-metallic materials (wood, ceramics, all kinds of plastics).

Students have a lot of art subjects as well as technical. It is obvious (from the range of the subjects) that specialty deals with the artistic design. The funny thing is that in Russia we never had such a degree by the time when I was getting my B.Sc. — in the Communist and post-Communist Russia the very word 'design' was concidered to be something 'Western' and thus negative — so the specialty existed under rather complex name. However studying there was very interesting and useful, it included almost all kinds of art work with materials with an accent on your favorite.

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The building of Moscow State Academy of Instrumental Engineering and Computer Science was build in the beginning of XVIII century, but at that time it was the building for accomodating Tzar soldiers!!
So it is a yellow building of a nice crooked form with the inner yard full of trees and chapel which serves as a warehouse of instruments and some studying documents.

Narrow and long corridors of this beloved educational institution with pathologically low ceilings and crawling wall cables, wires and metal guts are in a strange contradiction with some few study schedules and educational posters hanging on the walls. Along the loooong corridors lighted by hysterically bright UV lamps teenagers are walking, and it is immediately clear that they have just stopped by for a short time on their way from one nightclub (I hope Galactic) to another. Their marvelous outfits look at their best in the deadly dull lectures of especially Resistance of Materials or Math Analysis. I DO LOVE OUR ACADEMY!!! Before New Year celebration (the Biggest Winter celebration in Moscow and Russia) they put a big and alive green tree near the main stairs of the building, and for some reason it smells as it used to smell in my childhood. And in autumn they burn leafs and some garbage at the inner yard. Ahhhhr, that delicious autumn smell.... And in the cafe on the ground floor they have beautiful discos sometimes!

As for me I was interested in some exotic (in connection with the name of Academy) studies at our Academy: the Art Processing of Materials, then 3D Designs, French Literature in French, Engineering in Medicine; everything connected with computers, and economics a little (just enough to make me bored and not willing to deal with it anymore :).

During my studies I've got a feeling that at our Academy you can study everything that you wish, no matter what faculty you are studying at: you can study foreign languages, create various business-plans, dig in industrial graphics, etc. But if you consider yourself to be "pure humanitarian" (as we sometimes say in Russia when we try to show that we are proud of ourselves or to insult a little our friend at philological faculty) you should think twice before entering the Academy, because they will make you to study methods of putting together electric chains at every faculty of Academy (it's a tradition.).

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