
Tante Frieda's Mocha Torte

(This cake is legendary among our family because it is so unbelievably good. Of course, it is complicated enough that we have it only rarely. Despite the time it takes to make and prepare, it is well worth the effort.)



Drain cherries well, discard liquid. Chop or slice cherries in half, put into small bowl or jar (glass is best); pour enough rum into container to cover cherries. Tightly cover container and let marinade in refrigerator overnight.



Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine ingredients in large bowl and mix thoroughly. Grease tube pan and dust lightly with flour. Place batter in pan and bake for 50-60 minutes, or until toothpick inserted in cake comes out clean. Place cake upside down on rack, removing pan, and allow to cool.

While cake is cooling, thoroughly drain run-soaked cherries, cover, and set aside. Save "rum marinade," cover tightly, and set that aside, too. Start to prepare filling.



In a chilled ceramic or glass bowl, whip the cream. When cream begins to thicken, mix in sugar, cocoa, and dash salt. Add liqueur. Mix thoroughly, cover, and set aside in refrigerator.



Take cooled cake and divide into 4 layers. (Using a knife, make shallow cuts around cake to mark layers. Then, using clean, white sewing thread or clean, unflavored dental floss, carefully cut layers all the way through along marked lines using a slow back and forth sawing motion) Separate layers onto plates and sprinkle each layer with some of the reserved "rum marinade."

Take prepared filling from refrigerator and spread approximately 1/ 6 of mixture on bottom layer. Sprinkle on 1 /3 of the drained, marinated cherry pieces, pressing cherries lightly into filling. Add second layer of cake and repeat the filling process. Add third layer and fill again. Top of with fourth layer of cake and set aside. Start to prepare glaze.



In a small pot or sauce pan, over low heat, melt chocolate chips, stirring constantly. When melted, remove from heat and stir in powdered sugar. Add cocolate-cherry liqueur and rum. Stir well. Glaze should be rather thick. (If glaze seems too thin, add more powdered sugar; if too thick, add more liqueur.) Before glaze has a chance to cool and harden, VERY QUICKLY cover cake with glaze (top, sides, and inner "tube" opening).

NOTE: Save any leftover glaze in tightly covered container in refrigerator. Keeps for a long time. Use for frosting for cupcakes, etc. (To soften glaze again, set container in warm water.)



If desired, before glaze can harden on cake, quickly decorate with pecan halves or finely chopped walnuts.



It is best to fully prepare and assemble this cake 2 to 3 days ahead of time to allow the flavors to go through. Remember to always keep in refrigerator, tightly covered. Place cake on table just prior to serving. After serving, do not allow any leftovers to sit out for any length of time, but cover tightly and refrigerate promptly. If covered well and refrigerated promptly, leftover cake will easily keep for 2-3 weeks.



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