The Duality

What are they? What are their natures? Many people are aware of its existence in daily life and also in almost discipline of man knowledge, yet it has never been seriously considered of its uttermost functions or its behaviours.
These two imminent polarities do exist and manifested in almost all kind of things or matters in the universe.
Some ancient knowledge’s discipline had confirm their influences to all kind of life/life-forms/things,
some had given them names as: Yin -Yang forces, while the modern science nicknamed it as Action-Reaction in Physics or Cause and Effect Law, Exothermic and Endothermic in Chemistry, Debit and Credit in Accountancy.
in some of Religious teachings it is known as Those who Sows shall Reap but other religion give it a name as Karma.
We can list down examples of their manifestations as below:

                  Matter                                   Non-matter
                  Male                                     Female
                  Big-Bang                               Black-Hole
                  Physical Form                        Non Physical
                  Material world                       Spiritual world
                  Positive                                 Negative
                  Coarse                                  Fine
                  Height                                   Low
                  Holy                                      Evil
                  Hot                                       Cold
                  Right                                     Wrong
                  Fire                                       Water
                  Front                                     Back
                  Attract                                   Distract
                  Pull                                       Push
                  Right                                     Left
                  Expansion                              Contraction
And many more...

We can be sure that one may added on and find that the list will never ceases and continues many more pages.

On the left column list we see that they are in fact the opposite of the other column list, but are they really separated to the extend that their existence will be without the left list. In fact they can not as they are complementing each other’s although on the other side of the list.
Where can there be such as positive when no negative or hot without they are inseparable and in fact a harmonious pair of existence's.

One can deny that this is a difference in perception or how we perceive things happening to us.
The simplest thing to answer to this person, is by asking when you are hungry you will find something to fill your stomach, and when you are fullness of eating, you will stop pushing something into your mouth.
He/she can say well, someone can fast for longer period without dying, okay then ask him to do it, to start fasting.

If he/she is hunger later on, please ask him/her about why do you hunger, isn't it hunger or satiate is a matter of perception, and please tell him/her to instruct his/her stomach, forever quit demanding for food and drinks as he/she wanted so, because he/she believes that hunger or satiate is only a perception, not a reality.

We shall wait and see if he can survive as human being or not, if he/she continue in believing that this duality manifested in hunger/satiate is mere perception? Or it is a reality.

It is the same thing as breathing and breathless, live or die, male or female, nobody can deny such reality at the end, that duality in the Universe is not a perception but they do present.

We are not deadening someone here, but to show that at certain critical point in one's life, one can see and acknowledge a particular thing/process as it should be, while previously the ego, prestige, sense of enjoyment do obstructs his/her minds from ' seeing' the reality.

It is at this critical point that his/her deepest conscience took over other functions as he/she let go all kinds of visceral manifold of congeries of conflicting habits and intense emotional attachments.

Unrealistic expectations tarnish our appreciation of live and weigh down the truth's highest principles of the whole.
The word perception in dictionary means the way we perceive things/something; thus it is very dependent of someone level of education, former discipline of knowledge and not the least, the tolerance and open-mindedness.
For example: let us take a ladder of 100 steps height, one person climb-up the steps and stops 5 steps to the end.

Then the second person goes up the ladder too, but he stops at 40 steps before the first person is standing. Here we shall say that the first person is on a higher position than the second person with reference to the ground, and the second person is on lower position than the first person with same reference point of view. But we also can perceive the other way, as saying the second person is higher than the first one looking from the other end of the ladder as the reference point, which is not on the ground.

In this condition, those two person with two different ways of describing one single situation.
The dispute seems endless; they are claiming to be higher and the other the lower.
Someone will say; see! that is the perception we are talking about .which is true and both are right.

But the truth is to remain the truth, that is when an intermediary person enters the scene and saying both are right and both are saying that there is difference in the meaning of the word; higher and lower, but there are other facts noticed that are also true, which is both of them are on the ladder and the reason for arguing to be at higher point.

a wise person entering the quarrel, will not perceive as those two person on the ladder, but he/she will observe that both person are on a ladder, and proceed to look for the genuine reasons of  why they wanted to be regarded as the higher .

So looking for genuine reason of the argumentation and denoting its potential conflict as well as aware of the situation and condition of that particular case is not a perception but see things at its proper aspects and thus realises the imminent reality of one's particular potentials and abilities.
Now, we shall continue with the dualism, as the Nature's paramount Law is the Equilibrium, then one can say that the dualism is property of being in equilibrium.

An equilibrium state shall establish only when the dualism becomes one thus supporting and binding each other, although they are separate but affinity and complimenting.
Each holds kernels to the other side develop and eventually change into the other. As this is a single coin of having two facets.

That is a hard lesson for us humans, as we are not immaculate humans, we judge from our own values the very minute we see someone or something. That judgement had been greatly influenced by our acquired knowledge. Knowing or not knowing, this knowledge potential affects our point of views.
Therefore to keep open mind, not cling to something heavily will lead us to many wonderful things which we previously missed to notice.

Duality is the characteristics of the Basic elementary particles, so not accidental or illusion, just like the human that has some characteristics...some ego, envy, anger but also posses love, wisdom, happy, etc. It is the human basic nature it is not an illusion or someone's perception.

It is the fact I refer to earlier, we only have to be aware of its capability and capacity of using it.
Consciousness is one control in us that can be used wisely to monitor such gift of Duality quality in the human.
Anybody who looks inside of himself for long enough time that all mental attachments loose will find Cosmic consciousness and shall note that Duality is a fact of Life in general.


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