We have talked about Vibrations in the previous chapters, let us now go to find out what is the term Vibration means.

As we already known that any created objects or things shall have the eight continuum in it and from the seven stages of manifestations concept, we are able to go further by saying that: Any created thing in the Universe shall has its unique properties and characteristics.

Some people like to say this combination of the properties and characteristics present in the created thing as self for the living thing but others people give name to this combination to the non- living thing as Specifications.

For simplicity we shall call it the specifications, this specifications have certain degrees of capacities and capabilities which differ from other beings.

In Living thing such as Human, this capacities and capabilities extend further as there are many aspects of facts to be considered due to the presence of different manifestations in the whole.

For example the Human has been known to posses the Soul, the Physical Body, and the Spirit Being. Thus the combination arisen and caused or created becoming more complex.

Now it is better to commence with simple non-living things or objects.such as ice cube.

Ice cube is the form of water, where its molecular bonding frequency is at lower vibration so when enough supply of heat to its existence then the ice cube will melt down.

Put a piece of ice cube nearby and try to sense its coldness with your palm, as your palm is nearer to the ice cube, the more its coldness can be felt.

So the air in between your palm and the ice cube is the media of exchange used by the ice cube to emanate its cold.

While our palm used the air as our receiving tool medium; the energy release by the ice cube is what actually we sensed, this energy travels omnipotent to all direction and depend on the mass of the ice cube. The larger it is the farther its coldness can be felt...this emanating cold from the ice cubes which sensed by us are called as Radiation.

The same applies to a source of heat. Lets take a piece of red burning coal, place our palm about a definite distance from the burning coal where we still able to sense its heat at the weakest intensity.

As the coal slowly burn down to smouldering, we have to move our palm closer to the coal in order to sense the heat, continue this process until the red burning coal stop burning and dies down completely before proceeding.

Wait a moment with your palm keep at the latest position while the burning coal is cooling off, maintain to feel the heat of the coal by moving our palm nearer and nearer, some people with sensitive palm and good concentration still able to feel the existence of the coal although the heat is no more.

If you are the one who could feel it, try to move slowly your palm farther from the coal, sensing its presence while moving, now push your hand nearer again in the same direction, move your hand from this distance to the coal surrounding.

Let's say to the top of the coal, you will notice that you can sense the coal according to its shape. Amazing isn't it.

What you just sensed is the energy released by the burning coal in the form of heat moving out from the coal when it was hot, but the sense we had while it was cold are actually also energy released while it was cold.

When it was at room temperature or it was cooling, inside the coal, the molecular is slowing down its chemical bond to a steady state, which means that internally the molecules still moving although we can not see the movements.

With Laboratory equipment such activity can be seen that it is moving inside the coal. This is a chemical reaction or chemical bonding in shaping to its new identity as residual burned coal. The molecular bond is maintaining the atoms from disintegrating,

This activity causes some movements, as these movements that we sensed previously.

By same analogy, we can know that everything does vibrate at certain frequency either its solid, liquid, or gaseous.

This vibration we shall give name as Radiation.

Any radiation is connected and associated with its unique origin source, so any radiation shall have its source.

This radiation differs to other radiation according to the source material compositions.

In non-living things, there are many source of radiation samples, such as wood, stone, steel, copper, gold, ice, tree, cold water, hot water, fruit, colours, lights, etc

While in living things such source can be from Human, animal, plants, etc .we give name to this radiation emanating from living things as Aura or Aurora.

In human, there are many source of Aura, since there are many objects or things that construct our build-up.

These sources of Aura can be:

1. Matter structure of Body

2. Chemical Reactions inside our Body

3. Emotions

4. Brain activity

5. Thoughts

6. Psyches

7. Intelligence

8. Soul

9. Spirit

10. Health

11. Peace

12. Senses

13. Characters

14. Consciousness

15. And many more ...

As the radiation and aura only differ in naming but actually is vibrations, so for simplicity we shall named it all as radiation. Normally this radiation emanates outwardly as well as inwardly from the source.

Radiation can now be termed as particles movement /vibration at certain frequency and wavelength.

When this radiation is focused and concentrated in a narrow bandwidth of frequency we called energy.

Normal human eyes can see object in the range of ......????.... hertz ( unit of frequency ).

Optometrist confirmed that what we termed as see, actually is refection of lights from the observed object to our eyes

We have observe that there are things which are not able to be seen by naked eyes but can be seen through a man made equipment such as binocular ( to see something at far distant ), infra red camera ( to see something in the dark ), microscope ( to see tiny objects ), etc..

But there are things can not be seen although with additional man made gadgets, this does not mean that it does not exist as many people refer to unseen objects/things.

For example, a person who caught a flu virus and his doctor told him so that a flu virus has infected you.

this person will accept his doctor analysis only if he can see the virus with his naked eyes so the doctor says well there is possibility to see with microscope, as this person highest education was up to grade 3, he might shake his head and said I don't believe it, luckily the doctor has such equipment to show his patient , so the patient receive further treatments from his doctor.

The other possibility is when the patient is well educated, he will immediately receive medication prescribed by his doctor in the first place because he knew the existences of viruses while he was receiving his education or reading or heard from some one or some where. Further this patient might as well confirm to his doctor analysis, as he had known the symptoms of his own illness without requesting to see the virus.

There are people at this very moment do not believe that we can see in the dark with the help of infra red camera built for military purposes. Same thing happens to x-ray, ultra-sonography gadgets, hand phones, mobile Tv camera on line broadcast via satellites, etc.

Sensing the radiation begins with palm, proof that radiation does exist too, energy can be felt some can be measured in terms of joules, watts etc.

There are people who can sense with his arms, his skin, his feeling, his awareness, etc not only limited to his palms/hands.

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