* Rurouni Kenshin Manga Translation *
* Volume 15: Giant versus Superman *
* Chapter hundred and twenty-three: Fighting young ladies *

(Hennya lies on the floor unmoving, defeated by Yahiko)

Underling 1: How is that possible...

Underling 2: That a little kid can defeat Hennya-sama alone...

Yahiko: That's two more to go now! Let's raze... them to the ground in...
one... clean... sweep...

Kaoru: !

(Yahiko collapses, the blood flying out from the wound inflicted by Hennya

Kaoru: Yahiko!

Kamatari: That's why I say! You will all be dead in the end.

Everybody: ...

(Kaoru and Kamatari stare at each other)

Misao: Kaoru-san!

Kaoru: Don't worry. Yahiko isn't a child who dies so easily. Rather, it's
our turn to fight... and our turn to be careful.

Kamatari: Um - you seem different from that rash little chick who can't do
anything right.

Misao: Little... CHICK...

Kaoru: *pushing Misao in her face* You're wrong. We do not differ much.

Misao: Ah!

Kaoru: But I know that once I put on my uniform and wear my black belt, I am
a pugilist person, and since we are all, there is thus no more
discrimination between the role of the genders. I doubt you deviate much
from such a meaning.

Kamatari: Perhaps so. But if it's strength we're talking about, then there
is an immense difference. "Big Scythe" Kamatari of the Juppongatana is much,
much stronger when compared with all the other pugilist persons. There is no

Kaoru: *Misao-chan, look at that person's pride weapon.*

Misao: *You mean the scythe? What's wrong with it?*

(picture of the edge of Kamatari's scythe)

Kaoru: *It must be at least 8 kilograms in weight. If we must classify it,
it falls without any doubt under heavy weaponary.*

(picture of Sano slamming his zanbatou into the ground)

Kaoru: (voice over) *But precisely because heavy weaponary has tremendous
force, in attacking the flaws are also plenty. And this is what we must aim
for... I will attract the attention of his scythe, and while I'm at it, you
must bide your time properly and attack his weakest point!*

Misao: Weakest point...

(remembers how Kamatari revealed his male anatomy to her previously)

Misao: Ah? Disgusting! *OH well! Time to take my revenge...*

Kamatari: Enough! Face me, both of you!

Kaoru: You don't have to tell me, here I come!

(Kaoru runs towards Kamatari who prepares to hack through her)

Kamatari: HAAH!

(Kamatari's scythe go in big time)

Kaoru: AAaaaa!

(with the tip of her bokken, Kaoru flips her body around into the air and
the scythe completely misses her)

Kaoru: Misao-chan!

Misao: AAaaaaaaaaaa! *You're dead!*

(she goes in for a kill)

(the big metal ball attached to a long chain by the lateral sharp edge of
the scythe twists around and hits Misao in her ribs)

Kaoru: *Oh no! It's a metallic ball!* Misao-chan!

(there is a disturbance, then Misao flies through the air to hit the roof
tiles of Aoiya)

Kamatari: To be able to catch the flaw in heavy weaponary, that's quite
something for you. A pity. This move doesn't work on me.

(he raises the scythe)

Kamatari: My nickname may be "Big Scythe" Kamatari, but my true weapon is
this metal ball. It's ability lies in the fact that the chain and ball can
combine to form a perfect attack. Besides that...

(he turns the scythe around ala helicopter in the air)


Underling 1: Woah! Here it comes!

Underling 2: Kamatari-sama's fatality move!


(Kamatari's chain attached to the scythe flies around, massive destruction
on it's trail. The ball on the edge of the chain also moves around, curling
all around him)

Kamatari: He who touches it gets shredded into pieces. I attack and I
defend, and this is something you can never break through to get me.

(meanwhile, Misao lies on the roof of Aoiya)

Voice: Misao-sama...

Misao: *... who is that?*

Voice: Misao-sama!

Misao: *Whose voice is this?*

Voice: Battousai has fulfilled his word.*

(a ghostly Hanya stands in front of the injured Misao)

Hanya: Aoshi-sama... will be returning in just a while.

(Misao snaps her eyes wide open)

Misao: *That's right... I remember the person who cares about me most, and
at the same time keeps watching Aoshi-sama's back... is Hanya-kun... Hanya-
kun... couldn't stop worrying about me and came to take a look...

(there is a noise)

(Misao turns to watch Kaoru being attacked by the spinning clunking ball of
Kamatari, who is protecting himself and attacking at the same time)

Misao: Kaoru-san!

(she kneels down again)

Misao: *Not good... I think the rib is broken... I can't go on like this...
BUT... if I must...*

(stands up again, holds A TON of daggers in both hands)

Misao: *... if I must end my participation here... and sit while awaiting
death... NO WAY!*

(picture of Kamatari spinning his scythe all around)

Misao: *Under a kind of move like this it is truly difficult to get to his
weak point, therefore there is only one solution!*

(picture of Kamatari's scythe)

Misao: Kaoru-san, take your aim!

Kaoru: !

Misao: Kan Satsu... Tobi Kunai!!

Kamatari: It's useless.

(all of the daggers are deflected from the wild array of spinning chains,
scythe and metal ball)

Kaoru: HAAAH!

Kamatari: I said it's useless! No point struggling on!

(Kaoru whacks her bokken in just as Kamatari drives his scythe towards her)

(the bokken hits the hilt of a dagger, which is buried into the wood holding
of the scythe)

Kamatari: !

(all three contact points on the weapons shatter into pieces)

Kamatari: Weapon destruction! *Oh no! I thought they'd aim straight for my
weak point like the first attack, looks like I underestimated them!*

(clenches his teeth)

Kamatari: CHI!

Misao: The scythe is big and irritating, and with it we can get nowhere near
his weak point. In that case, why not destroy it first? Solely basing on my
dagger throwing skills or Kaoru-san's bokken abilities is powerless against
it and will come to nothing.

Kaoru: So you decided to base your dagger as a middle point for me to
shatter his weapon, to think you could come up with such an idea!

Misao: Since Aoshi-sama's going to make a rare trip back, I know I can't
cause anymore troubles for Hanya-kun!

Kaoru: Ah... ? Hanya?

(Kaoru in SD form...)


(c) Watsuki Nobuhiro		Translation: ruroken@geocities.com

    Source: geocities.com/athens/Olympus/6655

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