* Rurouni Kenshin Manga Translation *
* Volume 15: Giant versus Superman *
* Chapter hundred and twenty-one: Aoiya's battle of attack and defense *

Kenshin: Can you still stand up?

Aoshi: Not in a while. The pain had long spread throughout my body, had long
numbed it's senses. But my mind is in clear motion, and I'm in a more light
mood than I was.

(Kenshin stares)

Aoshi: "Ama Kakeru Ryuu no Hirameki"... the succession technique indeed
produces powerful results without compare.

(picture of Kenshin executing the skill)

Aoshi: (voice over) But refrain from overuse! The physical deterrings and
burdens brought about by the execution of such a forceful move is beyond
that of any other normal one. Also, no matter how powerful a move can be,
once the snag is discovered, the entire effectivity collapses by half.

Kenshin: Yes. I know.

(Sano punches the morse code machine)

Sano: There! I feel much better now.

Yumi: Humph!

Sano: Kenshin! We're running out of time! Let's towards the next room!

Aoshi: Go! I'll be right behind you.

(Kenshin, Sano and Yumi advances towards the next room, leaving Aoshi in the
previous room)

(In another part of Kyoto, also known as the shop Aoiya...)

Iwanbou: Hoh hoh...

(the Kyoto Oniwabanshuu lay defeated on the ground)

Misao: Is everybody all right?

Okina: Don't stray from your position, Misao! Nobody's too seriously hurt
right now! As long as we hold on for a while more, the police are sure to
make it here. Before that, we must all bear with the situation!

(everyone else smiles in agreement)

Kamatari: Hoho! The policemen? Are you truly so confident... that the
policemen will be able to make it?

(picture of police headquarters being burned with a sinister fuji in the

Chief: ... mon... monster...

Big brains: Wahahahahah! How useless! This is just like exterminating rats.
I say, Fuji! Isn't it about time we advanced towards the Aoiya?

(there is a change of scene)

Kamatari: Hey! Don't be a busybody, isn't it about time we started our
battle? This scythe can kill a person holding it up for too long...

Kaoru: Don't let the irritation get into you!

Misao: I know, but it doesn't help in anything if things are going to
continue this way. To assist everybody in their battles, I shall settle mine
with this scythe woman now!

Kamatari: Scythe... woman... ? (lets out a puff of air) He!

(slams the scythe into the wood)

Kamatari: You little worm! You misunderstood! I...

Misao: Mm?

(Kamatari raises his kimono to show his family treasure)

Misao: !?!?

Kamatari: ... am not a scythe woman... but a transvestite man!


Kaoru: What is it, Misao? Ah?

Misao: Elephant... big... hairy... elephant...

Kamatari: - shy - I'm a little embarassed too... Look at how red your face
is, aren't you pure... Surely it isn't the first time you're seeing it?

Misao: *really peeved* Of course not! I know I saw Okina's during his shower
when I was young, but yours is bigger than his, I was only a little shocked!

Okina: That wretched girl...

Kamatari: Is that so? Oh well, best be we not discuss matters like these.
Come on! Let's begin!


Kaoru: You cool down this very moment, hear me? If you run straight at them
now, you'll be playing into their hands, get it?

Voice: WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! Kaoru, I can handle this alone. You
go and assist Misao, we can never let her do it alone now.

Kaoru: Yahiko! Wait a minute! You can switch with me. I'll go alone and you
can help Misao here.

Yahiko: Has what you taught me been so lousy that I can't handle anything
alone by myself? Can't you have faith in your own disciple at least?

(Kaoru and Misao stare)

Kamatari: Fine by me, two against one. Since it's a male/female match, I
should be more accomodating.

Kaoru: *turns to Okina*

Okina: *nods* *There's no other way. Misao can't handle this alone, listen
to Yahiko now, and team up with Misao for this match!*

Kaoru: All right. *to Yahiko* I'll believe you this once! But do not forget
your duty as a Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu disciple, the many facets of trainings
you still have not completed. Should you die here, I shall never forgive

Yahiko: No problem.

Kaoru: Very good. I'm coming, Misao!

(cut to Yahiko and Hennya facing each other)

Hennya: *lets out a puff of air*

Yahiko: WHAT IS IT? You just let out a sigh, don't think I can't make it out
through that mask!

Hennya: How can I not let out a sigh? Being vital of the Juppongatana yet
ending up facing a little kid. I have from a very long time ago heard about
the man with the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu, soaring speedily in the skies and
from long I have longed to duel with him.

(turns around)

Hennya: But when Shishio-sama sent me here, I was terribly disappointed. You
guys cannot withstand a single blow from us at all!

Yahiko: *...* I, Myoujin Yahiko am not the little kid you so mentioned. And
even if I am, like you said you wanted to 'duel with him', in which these
duels I have witnessed a thousand times over...


Yahiko: I am his closest, and have stayed with him longest, and I have seen
him fight all the way here! If you behave like a kid, back facing your
opponents, looking down on your opponents, then you do not qualify to face
Kenshin even after 100 years! And first you go through me! Give me your best

Hennya: Kid... if you're so eager to die I shall grant you that... but!

(turns around, opens up his wrapped up cloak to reveal dynamites, a sharp
weapon in his right hand and bat like wings)

Hennya: I will not just kill you with one stroke! I shall torture you till
you fully realize the price to pay for insulting the Juppongatana's
Soaring Hennya!

(Yahiko prepares)


(c) Watsuki Nobuhiro		Translation: ruroken@geocities.com

    Source: geocities.com/athens/Olympus/6655

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