* Rurouni Kenshin Manga Translation *
* Volume 12: Kyoto inferno *
* Chapter ninety-eight: The other motive *

Kenshin: Master, I shall make my move then.

Hiko: Stand there.

(removes his mantle)

Hiko: This white mantle is proof of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu's succession.

(Kenshin stares)

Hiko: Take it! You have just earned the right to.

(picture of a super big mantle on a pretty short Kenshin)

Hiko and Kenshin: ...

Kenshin: I don't think I want it. It doesn't look good on me at all.

Hiko: Come here you!

Kenshin: Master, I have acquired the final Succession Technique, but I don't
want to succeed the 14th generation's 'Hiko Seijuurou', or the Hiten
Mitsurugi Ryuu for that matter.


Kenshin: What I want to succeed as, is the truth behind the Hiten

Hiko: ... that's so self centered of you. Forget it! That didn't just start

(he turns to leave)

Kenshin: This request may seem even more self centered, but I still have to
say it. When I'm having the final death battle with Shishio, could master
you- protect my ones in Aoiya?

Hiko: ... Humph!

Kenshin: Master?

(thumbs up... DOWN!)

Hiko: Fat hope! Come again next February 31st!

Kenshin: Wah!

Hiko: When you refused the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu, you refused our
relationship as well. I'm no longer your master. Forget me!

Kenshin: Master!

Hiko: But I imparted the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu to you not to let you be
fraught with dangers all your life, so you keep that well in mind!

(steps into the hut)

Hiko: Don't worry about the rest. Your job is to concentrate fully on
defeating Shishio.

Kenshin: Master...

Hiko: Humph!

(Kenshin lowers his head in disappointment as Hiko disappears into the hut.
He turns to leave)

In Kyoto main town.

Woman: What day is today? The feel in the air is so odd.

Woman 2: Yeh, look at all those police.

Saitou: ...

Cheif: Fujita-brother, I've scattered all of Kyoto's patrol over the city
just as you've ordered.

Saitou: Thank you.

Chief:: Adding that to the other transferred squadrons arriving this
evening, the total amount is no less than 5000. Let's see how powerful
Shishio's army is against our perfect ambush.

Saitou: ... You really think, that things are so simple?

Chief: Don't worry, nothing'll go wrong. Even the skies are on our side.

Saitou: Huh?

Chief: I heard that the person that we're looking for appeared near the area
of the mountain's belt today.

(a horse cariage appears)

Chief: I sent a carriage out immediately, and it should arrive by now.

(the carriage pulls to a stop)

Chief: Ah, it's here.

(the door opens and out steps Kenshin)

Chief: So he's that heartless Hitokiri... Himura Battousai?

Saitou: Hey! (opens the window) I thought which great official was coming in
such a grand fashion!

Chief: Fujita-brother!

Saitou: Well? Finally decided to pursue the path of Hitokiri Battousai?

(a smile)

Kenshin: Don't know. I'll decide when it happens.

(they stare at each other)

Saitou: All right! There are some matters I need to discuss with you. Let's
settle it before that troublesome man comes back from lunch.


Kenshin: (voice over) Kyoto inferno?

Saitou: Yup. The Chou you turned in personally relayed this information.

(Kenshin stares)

Saitou: Earlier today we caught a couple of suspicious looking fellows, and
they admitted to be the background preparers for the Kyoto Inferno plan.

(he takes out his cigarette)

Saitou: The time is 11:59 tonight... so this data's gotta be correct.

Kenshin: ... I see a lot of loopholes.

Saitou: So you see them too?

(picture of Shishio's army)

Kenshin: (voice over) However big Shishio's army is, I believe we still have
the upper hand in head-count, therefore their battle strategy should either
be sudden attack or underground assassination.

Hoji: Everybody! The time has ripened! It is finally our chance to go forth
from this cave to attack!

Kenshin: (voice over) The Kyoto Inferno should naturally be revolving around
those points.

Hoji: Let the people of the world be awakened by the results of defiance
against us!

Kenshin: (voice over) Yet we obtained this knowledge with such ease, that
being neither sudden attack nor assassination achieved.

Saitou: Important information like this will cost the destruction of their
entire army should it be leaked out... therefore I stepped up the security
measures for Chou in fear that there would indeed be men sent to

Hoji: Everybody! Charge!

Saitou: (voice over) Yet they didn't even rustle. Even compelling the feel
that these ewre purposely planted to be discovered by me. (stop voice over)
After much ponderation, I can feel a big hole in all these words.

Kenshin: Then... the shadows of this Kyoto Inferno hides a secret so deep
even the Juppongatana knows nothing about.

(picture of Shishio, Hoji and Soujirou)

Kenshin: (voice over) Shishio and company... has another target we know
nothing about...

(a map is unfolded and laid out)

Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno is a plan formulated after the incident of the House
of Pooled Fields. Shishio is a man who delights in dictatorship and revenge,
and if he has another target in mind, it shouldn't stray far from these two

Saitou: *But where?*

Kenshin: *Where is his target? Where -*

(Kenshin's eyes widen)

Kenshin: Saitou! In the battle of Toba-Fushimi in Bakumatsu where the
country split into two, the main reason why the Shogunate army won, was
because the main general then betrayed his troops to escape by sea from the
local harbour in Kyoto to Edo. And if Shishio intends to use this to mock
the politicians then...

(he puts a finger on the map)

Kenshin: Tokyo! Kyoto inferno is merely the first step, while their real
motive is to stage a naval battle and destroy Tokyo!

Saitou: That's fair enough... Kyoto inferno was meant to hoodwink the
opponent... and to allow the entire police force to have it out with his men
would prove to be more advantageous to his main motive. That's why he
released all that information to me...

(he narrows his eyes fiercely)

Saitou: And his main motive is Tokyo, the political heart beat! Good fellow!
You almost had us!

Kenshin: It'll be hard to find him if he escapes to the seas. We have to
stop him now!

(they approach the door)

Kenshin: There's no time to lose! We have to hurry!

(the door opens)

Voice: Going somewhere without me?

(Sano lands a punch on Kenshin)

Sano: Not so easy this time!

Kenshin: Sanosuke... what're you doing here?!

(he falls, Sano catches him)

Sano: What am I doing in Kyoto? Crap! Of course to offer you assistance!

(Kenshin closes his eyes)

Kenshin: Okay...

Saitou: Offer assistance? As long as you don't become a weight on our feet!

Sano: What did you say!

Kenshin: ~sweatdrop~

Sano: There's not enough time to talk now! Let's finish it while we run
along to the harbour!

Saitou: Run there? Stop being so stupid will you? Can't you see the horse
carriage here?

Sano: Dammit! Stop picking on my word faults you!

Kenshin: ... ~sweatdrop~


(c) Nobuhiro Watsuki		Translation: ruroken@geocities.com

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