From DAP

The hand of Adnan Yaakob

By Junius

Recently in Pahang, a simian like being wiggled his posterior to a crowd and, for extra, flashed an obscene gesture with his hands. Well, you might be thinking, this should be expected from the monkeys in Taman Negara; and so it should be. Except this was not Taman Negara but Sanggang and it was not a chimpanzee that produced those indecencies but the "Honourable" Menteri Besar of Pahang himself, Adnan Yaakob.

With his fist and buttocks, Adnan Yaakob has surely entered into the lore of Malaysian politics. Mind you, he is not exactly a very high profile MB and so the "fist of Adnan" and the "behind of Adnan" is a sure guarantee to launch him into nationwide renown. Bad publicity is still publicity as the old adage goes.

But what is it with the Barisan Nasional leaders since the elections? Fine, you won, albeit with a lesser majority and with a few close shaves, shocks and upsets along the way. Judging from their actions, they seem to be gunning for revenge. First was the sedition/Harakah arrests early this year, then the Malacca State Government decided to launch a witch hunt against pro-opposition lawyers, doctors, architects and bank workers (makes you wonder if toilet cleaners will be targeted) and now Adnan Yaakob.

"But, I was provoked!" Adnan cries in defense. Now, we see Adnan attempting to wiggle his way out of his own hole by blaming the supporters of PAS for his actions. Yes, Adnan, PAS supporters might have said some not so nice things about you or your party but that doesn’t mean you can simply act with such lack of decorum. What does your actions reflect on Malaysia? What type of leadership by example are you trying to show? Should I expect clenched fists and raised middle fingers from Pahang civil servants if I were to visit the State? Shame on you, Adnan Yaakob! Shame!
It is also disappointing, though not unexpected, that the Deputy Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi chose to condone and excuse Adnan’s behaviour instead of condemning it. He has basically given a green light to all other UMNO members to behave like "samseng" without impunity. After all, one can always claim provocation as a defense right?

Come off it, Badawi! Most opposition leaders have to face worse provocations from National Fraud persons, but they do not walk around town "flicking the finger" at their detractors.

Of course, the onset of the UMNO elections means that the top brass in the party do not want to upset the cart by alienating any of the State leaders; and that means not admonishing Mohd. Ali Rustam for conducting a vendetta against opposition supporters in Melaka, it means not reprimanding Adnan Yaakob for disgracing his office as Pahang Menteri Besar. In short, Dr, Mahathir, Abdullah Badawi and the UMNO "chiefs" have sold out Malaysia’s reputation for selfish political gain.

The way things are, it looks as if Mahathir and Badawi will jump to the defense of a child-molester, if that person would benefit them politically. The UMNO elections can be summed up by the fact that Moktar Hashim is apparently thinking of running for a Supreme Council seat. "Hold on!" you say, "Moktar Hashim?" Yes, folks, a convicted murderer albeit a pardoned one. Nothing about UMNO surprises me anymore, except as to why they are still in government.