From Aliran

Conduct Unbecoming

By P Ramakrishnan

Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi instead of condemning Pahang Mentri Besar Adnan Yaakob's lewd hand-gestures seems to be condoning his action.

Adnan's behaviour cannot be tolerated or justified for whatever reason and under whatever circumstances. By all accounts, it is unbecoming, uncouth, crude, and childish conduct, which is often associated with delinquent behaviour.

In trying to justify Adnan's conduct by arguing that it was "spontaneous" and in response "to an extreme flurry of insults thrown by PAS members," Abdullah is adding insult to injury. He is in fact saying that vulgar behaviour can be tolerated and condoned under provocation. Is he then also implying that Rahim Noor's assault of Anwar under alleged provocation was justified?
It must be emphasised that a leader's behaviour must always be exemplary. He or she must set the standard for acceptable behaviour, which will be emulated by the young. We wonder whatever happened to the Kepimpinan Melalui Tauladan (Leadership by Example) campaign, which exhorted leaders to set an example for others through their behaviour.

As far as Aliran is concerned, there is no excuse for crude, vulgar behaviour - whether by PAS members or UMNO members. Though Abdullah alleges that PAS resorted to lewd hand gestures as well, the photographic evidence available (see points to Adnan Yaakob's repulsive behaviour.